Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Cosmetic Surgeon Announces Six Cosmetic Pre-Summer Makeover Treatments

Cosmetic Surgeon Announces Six Cosmetic Pre-Summer Makeover Treatments

Got skin and body blemishes, such as: excess fat, hair, cellulite, sun spots, stretch marks, moles, scars and spider veins? Here are six painless cosmetic procedures to consider before it heats up. Get into your swimsuit with confidence this summer!

Scottsdale, AZ (PRWEB) April 16, 2010

Everyone wants to look “hot” in a swimsuit when they hit the beaches and pool parties every summer. But for many people, skin and body blemishes, such as: excess fat, hair, cellulite, sun spots, stretch marks, moles, scars and spider veins keep them from baring their bodies in bikinis and swimsuits each year. Dr. William Hall, Chief Cosmetic Surgeon at Infini Cosmetic Associates reveals six top treatments "to help you look your best in less" this summer.

The thought of wearing bikinis and swimwear can be embarrassing for people of all ages. Dr. Hall announced six big reasons why people are reluctant to bare bathing suits in public:

1. “Muffin tops”, “man boobs” and bulges resulting from extra fat in certain areas
2. Back hair, chest hair and excess hair on unwanted areas of the body
3. Visible varicose and spider veins
4. Cellulite and rippling in waist area, stomach, buttocks and thighs
5. Moles, dark stretch marks and scars
6. Major sun spots, age spots and dark patches from sun damage

"Every year there are literally thousands of people who are terrified of getting into a suit and attending a pool party because they are insecure about their body image for any one or more of these reasons," Hall proclaimed. "The good news is that these issues can be easily remedied with simple, painless cosmetic procedures, advanced treatments and techniques," Dr. Hall said.

Now is the perfect time of the year to consider the following six cosmetic procedures to restore self-image and to heal properly before swimsuit season:

1. Tumescent, Laser or Smart Liposuction to Remove Unwanted Fat and Bulges: Tumescent, Laser and SmartLipo™ are of the latest advances in body contouring, fat removal and skin tightening. Men and women who want to look and feel better seek out doctors that perform liposuction surgery. It is pain free and patients are back to a normal, active life within days.

2. Candela Gentlelase Plus® for Laser Hair Removal: Laser hair removal has never been easier. A flash of light and a few treatments is all it takes to make unwanted hair disappear, permanently and safely. Remove unwanted hair on the face, back, legs, bikini line or just about anywhere else.

3. Varicose/Spider Vein Treatments and Elimination: The most commonly used treatments are sclerotherapy and laser treatment for vein removal. Vein removal treatments are permanent and successful, so patients can feel less self-conscious and more comfortable wearing summer clothes.

4. Endermologie Treatments for Cellulite Removal: Endermologie® is an innovative cellulite treatment available to sculpt most areas of the body. Endermologie® treatments work by massaging the tissue where cellulite exists with a state-of-the-art machine to break down the gatherings of fat groups and increasing circulation. Endermologie® treatments help remove cellulite and dimpling of the skin and help restore patient confidence.

5. Mole, Stretch Mark and Scar Removal: Many people have scars, moles, stretch marks, warts, pigmented spots and other lesions on their head, face, neck and body. There are several laser treatments that remove moles, scars and stretch marks and result in smoother, even-toned skin.

6. Levulan Kerastick Treatments for Age Spot/Sun Damage Removal: Levulan PDT Therapy treatment is a new procedure now available to treats sun damage and active acne. The treatment is a photosensitizing agent (Levulan) applied to the skin and then activated with a specific wavelength of light. After the procedure, the results leave a smoother skin tone. Levulan has been used extensively for the treatment of a variety of different skin conditions, and it is approved by the FDA and Health and Welfare Canada for the treatment of sun damaged skin.

“Cosmetic surgeons are in the business because we have a desire to help people achieve a more ideal image,” Dr. Hall explained. “It’s not about perfectionism, because we all know that is unrealistic,” he continued. “Most people would go to the dentist to repair a chipped tooth, so people should take the same approach to remove other blemishes and restore a similar sense of confidence,” Hall said.

The first step is to make a consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist.

There is no better time than the present to look and feel your best. Call 480-946-7100 or visit http://www. infiniskin. com (http://www. infiniskin. com) and find out more about these treatments, summer specials and other procedures.
