Franciscan Sisters Feature Jayme Dawicki's "Here I Go" As Their 'Welcome To Summer' Song For College Students
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity feature Jayme Dawicki's "Here I Go" as their encore 'welcome to summer' song for college students, a free download at the 'Franciscanized World' vocation page http://www. fscc-calledtobe. org.
Green Bay, WI (PRWEB) June 5, 2009
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity feature Jayme Dawicki's "Here I Go" as their encore 'welcome to summer' song for college students, a free download at the 'Franciscanized World' vocation page http://www. fscc-calledtobe. org (http://www. fscc-calledtobe. org).
The subtle melodic stylings of the Milwaukee singer-songwriter have been compared to Sarah Bareilles, the Beatles and Ingrid Michaelson, and can be heard on her new CD, "Shatter Queen". Recently nominated 2009 WAMI's (Wisconsin Area Music Industry) Album of the Year and Pop Artist of the Year, Dawicki has performed for at Summerfest, and recently has had 4 of her songs used on MTV's The Real World: Hollywood! Jayme performs as a soloist and with a group of fabulous backing musicians. "Here I Go" has been one of the most popular songs on the Franciscanized World discernment site.
Regarding the origin of "Here I Go", she reflected "…I traveled to Seattle to meet my producer and get a feel for the studio that I would be staying at for two months. As I got on the plane to return home, this idea for a song about new beginnings and an exciting journey popped into my head. I brought this little snippet of a tune to the table when we started pre-production work for the CD, very raw and rough, but we knew it had to be included on the disc."
"It is a song about having courage and strength to accomplish your goals. It's about the unknown and the possibility of greatness. Most importantly, this song represents that moment where you realize that everything you've dreamed of is coming true."
"Upon listening again to this song I realize that it is for me as well, Jayme's lyrics, are so filled with the stuff of my life: contemplation of God's love through the ocean, through all of creation, along with wonderful energetic action of going forward with the ministry of outreach that Jesus has entrusted to me through my community of Franciscan Sisters!" said Sister Mary Ann Spangers
"We want to present our life as a viable option. Personal invitation is always best; however, we became convinced that real conversations can begin by using the language of images and music," said Sr. Julie Ann Sheahan, OSF, Directress of Vocations for the Franciscan order.
Established in 1869, the Roman Catholic Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity serve in Catholic health care, education and parish ministries throughout the United States.
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