San Antonio Black Magazine to Participate in National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, May 5, 2004: Teens Nationwide Will Take Online Quiz.
Tens of thousands of teens nationwide are expected to participate in the third annual National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, May 5, 2004. The purpose of the National Day is to focus the attention of teens on the importance of avoiding too-early pregnancy and parenthood. On the National Day, teens nationwide are asked to go to www. teenpregnancy. org or www. teenpeople. com and take a short, scenario-based “quiz” that asks young people what they would do in a number of sexual situations.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) February 20, 2004
The National Day is sponsored by the nonprofit, nonpartisan, National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and National Day founding partners, TEEN PEOPLE magazine and TeenPeople. com.
San Antonio Black Magazine's particiption this year, expands their program held last year at the Carver Library in San Antonio. This year a larger panel of speakers is planned along with musical entertainment to speak about abstience and safe sex. In addition, more than 115 prominent national organizations have signed on as official National Day partners and related events are planned in hundreds of communities across the country.
Why a National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy? Despite significant progress during the past decade, 35 percent of teen girls become pregnant at least once before age 20 and the vast majority (78 percent) of teen pregnancies are unintended.
Making a Difference: Nearly 300,000 individuals took the National Day Quiz in 2003. A survey of the some of the teens that participated in the 2003 National Day indicates:
· 57% of teens said that the National Day Quiz made the consequences of sex more real to them
· 70% said the Quiz mad them think about what they would do in such situations
Support for the National Day: National Day partners include a diverse group of over 115 prominent national organizations, including:
C Health sector leaders (American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, National Medical Association)
C Education leaders (National Education Association, National School Boards Association)
C Businesses (Procter & Gamble, CandieÂ’s Foundation, P. S. I Love That)
C Media powerhouses (TEEN PEOPLE and Teen People online)
C Teen websites (YouthNoise. com, Teenwire. com, gURL. com, kiwibox. com, go-girl. com)
C Fatherhood and male involvement groups (National Fatherhood Initiative, National Practitioners Network for Fathers and Families, National Organization of Concerned Black Men)
C Faith-based groups (National Coalition of PastorsÂ’ Spouses, Presbyterian Church USA, National Ministries Division, National Council of Churches, Justice for Women Working Group, Covenant House, United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries)
C Other prominent national organizations (National Council of LaRaza, Child Welfare League of America, National Conference of State Legislatures, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Jack and Jill of America, National Parenting Association, Goodwill Industries, Afterschool Alliance, National Association of Police Athletic Leagues)
About San Antonio Black Magazine
San Antonio Black Magazine is a community news and events magazine, committed to commumity awareness and empowerment.
About the National Campaign: Founded in 1996, the National Campaign is a private, nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the well-being of children, youth, and families by reducing teen pregnancy. The organization's goal is to reduce the teen pregnancy rate by one-third between 1996 and 2005.
About TEEN PEOPLE: TEEN PEOPLE is the first pop culture magazine for guys and girls that focuses on stars, style and substance. With an editorial mix covering celebrities and entertainment, fashion/beauty and real teens and their accomplishments, TEEN PEOPLE has become one of the fastest growing launches in publishing history. TEEN PEOPLE is also a National Magazine Award winner for General Excellence and #2 on AdweekÂ’s Hot List for 2002. Launched in January 1998, with a guaranteed circulation of 500,000, TEEN PEOPLE increased the guarantee to 1.6 million with its February 2001 issue.
For more on the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregancy, Contact: Bill Albert, 202-478-8510
For more on San Antoio Black Magazine's Program, visit www. sablack. com