Thursday, January 13, 2005

Publication of "Big Rocks" Discredits Traditional Time Management Practices - Lifestyle Strategist Dr. Gary Russell Takes a Hard Look at Achieving the Life-Work Balance

Publication of "Big Rocks" Discredits Traditional Time Management Practices - Lifestyle Strategist Dr. Gary Russell Takes a Hard Look at Achieving the Life-Work Balance

"Big Rocks" takes a hard look at what its author believes is the number one social problem of the century – achieving and maintaining a healthy life-work balance. Speaking equally to business leaders and individual employees, "Big Rocks" is written in an easy-to-follow parable style and incorporates supporting research and practical tools to solve the imbalance that exists for the majority of us between life and work. If you liked books like Who Moved My Cheese, Fish, Raving Fans, High Five, the Secret and others … you’ll love "Big Rocks".

Mystic, CT (PRWEB) May 11, 2005

The money spent on traditional time management practices has left too many people with less time and more stress. Just as the money spent on diet and exercise programs has snowballed into an obesity epidemic - or the exact opposite of a logical outcome, time management practices, while well intentioned, have also achieved an illogical outcome.

To tackle the life-work balance challenge, Dr. Gary F. Russell has turned the concepts delivered in his wildly popular BIG ROCKS workshop into a new book, "Big Rocks": Balancing Life & Work. The easy-to-follow, parable style of "Big Rocks" incorporates supporting research and practical tools to solve the imbalance between life and work. "Big Rocks" discredits traditional time management practices and has the power to realign your life.

According to Dr. Gary F. Russell, NASC, Inc. CEO and author, “achieving and maintaining a healthy life-work balance is the number one social problem of this century. Two generations ago, people lived to work. They had to in order to survive. Those past generations of people laid the groundwork, which has led to a shift in society. With an abundance of opportunities available to many, today people work to live—and they want to enjoy the many facets of their lives. However, people are hard-pressed to live according to their true priorities. They are scrambling to cram too much into their lives,” continues Russell. “Today the majority of us have lives that are very full, but unfulfilled. Too many of us waste our time focusing on the things that are not the most important to our personal fulfillment. Often, the most meaningful life priorities - such as families and friends - are unintentionally neglected.”

Russell goes on to say “the symptoms of lives that go unfulfilled and out of balance are manifesting themselves as a whole host of problems throughout society. Divorce rates continue to rise and meaningful relationships crumble too easily, which has a significant impact on our children. We continue to witness unspeakable violence in our school systems and the drive to ‘win at any cost’ has turned vicious in professional and amateur sports arenas. The divide between the extremely wealthy and the middle class continues to widen, and prison populations are overflowing. Obesity is at an all time high, not to mention the number of people reliant on prescription drugs to treat depression and anxiety,” continues Russell. “Those are only the symptoms of the central issue of balance, which is not simply about the management of time. If it was about time, solving this issue would be as simple as handing everyone a watch.”

For years businesses have taught time management focusing solely on teaching people how to maximize their work time to achieve greater work productivity. This has left a gaping hole for any individual trying to achieve a healthy life-work balance. People require more than maximizing their work time because who we are isnÂ’t what we do. People must achieve fulfillment in their personal lives to achieve and maintain balance. The happier and more fulfilled people are outside work, the more productive they become in all aspects of their lives.

"Big Rocks" addresses the adverse affect imbalance has on business, causing employees to become disengaged from their role, diminishing commitment and loyalty. According to Dr. John L. LaMattina, President of Global Research and Development for Pfizer, Inc, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, “businesses are struggling to improve the engagement of their workforce.” Therefore, business leaders have a responsibility to recognize the problem, step up to the plate, and help employees achieve more balanced lives. People require time to nurture their relationships and pursue leisure activities. If their lives are to be balanced and fulfilled, they cannot solely be about work. By reading and implementing the solutions found in this innovative book, business leaders can adjust their way of thinking to more fully accommodate employee needs. Employees can implement these same principles to help bring about their own much-sought-after life-work balance.

"Big Rocks" will have you thinking, feeling and acting differently about the way you manage your time. You will become more personally and professionally fulfilled and start to live the balanced life you were meant to live. According to Tom Rath, co-author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller, How Full Is Your Bucket, “Gary Russell has identified the keys to finding balance and alignment in your life.”

"Big Rocks": Balancing Life & Work (ISBN # 0-9701331-1-1) is available today. It can be purchased online directly from The Focus Group at www. focuslifestyle. org, where quantity discounts apply when the book is used for education and training purposes. It may also be purchased through Amazon. com (http://www. amazon. com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0970133111/qid=1115663746/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-5376834-0805434?v=glance&s=books (http://www. amazon. com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0970133111/qid=1115663746/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-5376834-0805434?v=glance&s=books)) or ordered through major booksellers.

About Author Dr. Gary F. Russell

Lifestyle strategies Gary Russell has over thirty years of experience in helping businesses understand the invaluable role of growing their people alongside their products and services. As CEO of NASC, Inc., the holding company of Major League Soccer Camps, The Center of Professional Advancement, and The Focus Group Limited, Russell has successfully applied his working knowledge of people to achieve his own successes. He offers inspiration, insight and practical tools through his educational training to help people achieve balance and ultimately fulfillment in both their personal and professional lives.
