Kingdom Financial Principles Says “We Can End Poverty”
A recent news release, Nearly 36 Million Americans Live in Poverty, by Andrea Hopkins, gives us the bare facts that poverty is a real concern and is on the rise. Hopkins states that in 2003 the number of Americans living in poverty had risen to 35.9 million and the number of U. S. residents trying to survive without health care coverage reached 45 million.
Groton, VT (PRWEB) August 31, 2004
Poverty is a menace to society or at least it should be, yet statistics like these continue to show a widening gap between the wealthy and poor of America. Many fear the decline of the middle class will give way to a two class system where segregation of a new order will promote human suffering. Gene Jolley, President of Kingdom Financial Principles (KFP) and creator of the Rapid Debt Reducer software, says: “It doesn't have to be this way.”
Jolley is concerned about the financial prosperity of every American family stating: “We can end poverty but we need to change our lifestyle.” What Jolley wishes to get across is the correlation between responsibility and lifestyle. If poverty is a menace to society then it stands to reason that it becomes the responsibility of society to end poverty. But Jolley knows that helping the poor is more complex then being a simple matter of giving.
The system we live in is money driven and whereas money in and of itself is not evil; the system is designed to make the rich richer. Jolley could quote “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” but seriously wonders how good and sincere Americans can give to their fellow struggling Americans if they themselves are overburdened with debt? “Americans are carrying over 800 Billion dollars in credit card debt! Just imagine the monthly payment that is going to service that credit. Then consider that 90 percent of that payment is going to creditors’ interest.” Jolley’s message:
The rich are getting richer
The middle class is overburdened in debt
The middle class is shrinking
The poor are getting poorer
Jolley is passionate over his convictions: “If Americans would just stop credit card spending they would have more than enough money to end world poverty! Let alone help these 36 million Americans”
Gene Jolley’s motto “Helping people to achieve True Financial Freedom,” is like a voice crying in the wilderness to the middle class of America: repent for the poor are at hand and prepare ye the way of the poor. Jolley is not slighting the importance of John the Baptist message “Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” and “Prepare ye the way of the Lord” but simply wants to emphasize the responsibility of helping our neighbor in need. If it is true that poverty is a menace to society then debt of the middle class is the worsening of that menace.
Gene Jolley
Kingdom Financial Principles
Http://www. solongbills. com (http://www. solongbills. com)
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