Prostate Cancer: Your Decision Notebook® Wins Freddie Award For Men's Health: Prestigious medical media award recognizes product excellence
The 2003 FREDDIE Award for Men’s Health has been awarded to HealthMark Multimedia’s Prostate Cancer: Your Decision Notebook®. This product helps men with the difficult initial treatment decision.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) January 24, 2004
The 2003 FREDDIE Award for Men’s Health has been awarded to HealthMark Multimedia’s Prostate Cancer: Your Decision Notebook®. The interactive CD-ROM focuses on the difficult treatment decisions faced by prostate cancer patients and was judged based on excellence and creativity. The FREDDIE Awards, also known as the International Health and Medical Media Awards, is the preeminent competition for health and medical audiovisuals.
Prostate Cancer: Your Decision Notebook® is designed to help newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients understand their diagnosis, communicate more effectively with their doctors and participate in the treatment decision-making process. With more than 6 hours of information, this CD-ROM includes expert-reviewed medical content, patient input, extensive graphics and narration, candid patient and partner interviews, interactive tools and personal decision-making aids and more. Its development was funded with a grant from the National Cancer Institute’s Small Business Innovation Research Program.
The FREDDIE Awards competition was started in 1974 as the John Muir Medical Film Festival and is now in its 29th year. The competitionÂ’s goal is to encourage and celebrate medical and health media excellence and includes feature-length films, documentaries, series, shorts, videos, Web sites and CD-ROMs from all over the world. Entries are rated on five areas: content, education, production quality, originality and communication. Medical and production professionals throughout the country perform the judging.
HealthMark Multimedia, LLC uses a combination of graphics, audio, video and text to develop interactive, user-friendly software and Web sites for patients to make treatment and self-care decisions, health care professionals for continuing education and parents and children to learn about prevention and staying healthy. The company uses a unique network of medical experts, patients and family members to review product information so that it is accurate, relevant and useful. HealthMark Multimedia also develops customized multimedia projects for companies and other organizations needing specialized health communications.
Prostate Cancer: Your Decision Notebook® may be ordered for $39.95 (individual copies) plus shipping and handling by going to www. YourDecisionNotebook. com or by calling toll-free 1-877-722-2255. Multi-copy pricing and professional and organizational licenses are also available. For further information about the company or its products, contact HealthMark Multimedia: 1201 Connecticut Avenue NW, #250, Washington, DC 20036; Telephone: 202-265-0033; Fax: 202-728-0284. HealthMark Multimedia's home page can be found at www. HealthMarkMultimedia. com.