Q Fever! - A New Medical Humor & Satire Website
(PRWEB) June 16, 2000
LOS ANGELES, CA, June 14, 2000 – Q Fever! (http://www. qfever. com (http://www. qfever. com)) is a refreshingly new healthcare humor, parody, and satire website, offering all-original features, articles, and stories approximately every two weeks, “depending on how nice you are to us” (in the words of the editors).
Many in the medical community will find that covered topics bear uncanny relevance to items and events in their own education, training, and daily lives. For instance, the article “Medical Student Identifies Cluster of Mysterious New Illness” reports on (fictional) student Andy Fishback, who ‘discovers’ an alarming increase in the number of ailments his relatives and neighbors reveal to him upon his return from his first semester at medical school.
Other headlines include “Amphotericin B Bladder Wash Now Available in Mango-Guava,” and “Goomba Sent To Lab For Analysis.”
Feature articles include “Medical Student Corner,” where the “patients” at an EKG Clinic are, in fact, ailing EKG machines, and “Ask Dr. Q,” where Dr. Q, a “Retro-Health Practitioner,” answers questions ranging from “Why are there so many rainbows, and what’s on the other side,” to “I’ve just discovered the vibrate mode on my beeper, and now I can’t stop paging myself – what should I do?”
All content on the website is original, and is written by Q Fever!Â’s editors and staff.
Q Fever!, whose motto is “Your #1 Source For Healthcare Misinformation,” and whose mascot is “Hippocrates,” a purple hippo, is the brainchild of two infectious agents, M. Furfur, MD and B. Cereus, MD, both of whom completed their Internal Medicine residencies in New York.
Contact information:
Hippo@qfever. com
Q Fever! – Your #1 Source For Healthcare Misinformation
Http://www. qfever. com/ (http://www. qfever. com/)