Arlene Colver, author of Magdalen's Way, to discuss her book with Prazad on Lucid Living Radio Program Tues. June 8, 2004 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time
HealthyLife. net will air a one hour segment on Lucid Living with reknown author Prazad and Rev. Dr. Arlene Colver. The broadcast can also be heard via the Lucid Living archives. Tune in to hear more about Mary Magdalen, the Bride of Christ and how the masculine and feminine energy is being reunited through her revival today.
(PRWEB) May 29, 2004
The Passion of Christ and the Resurrection of Mary Magdalen. WhatÂ’s Going On?
LetÂ’s talk about it, says Rev. Dr. Arlene Colver ND.
EveryoneÂ’s talking about the new exploration into the life of Jesus called the Christ. Was he actually God? Did he, in fact, die for our sins? Was he married to Mary of Magdala and did they have children? Could his human suffering been prefaced by human joy? How does a human Jesus affect Christian beliefs?
“When I first published Magdalen’s Way I hadn’t even heard of The DaVinci Code or Dan Brown. Granted, I’d been busy with my own novel for months, but truth be told mysteries are not my genre, not for reading or writing. I probably would not have even looked at Mr. Brown’s book had I not been told of the Magdalen Mystery within its pages.
Since then, IÂ’ve read the book along with several timely articles that seemed to have been spawned by this best seller, the interest in Magdalen and the mysteries that surround her and Jesus. Along with Newsweek and National Geographic, the Discovery Channel and ABC have done their part to infuse the controversy with artistic portrayals of Mary Magdalen and Jesus as they might have been two thousand years ago. The andÂ’s, ifÂ’s and butÂ’s have been answered and speculated upon by experts in both religion and biblical history through the many forms of media available in this information age.
I have yet to see Mel Gibson’s new release, The Passion of Christ. So for that reason I cannot rightfully judge the film or its content. Still, I am now being asked about the character of Pontius Pilate, the hidden agenda of the Jewish Sanhedrin, and of course about Magdalen’s role in the Passion both on screen and off. I do have opinions on these matters based on the dreams that inspired Magdalen’s Way. But for me the deeper question is, “What’s going on?”
Why has the consciousness shifted to a revival of Christian and Jewish myths and mysteries? Why are we suddenly obsessed with the desire to know more about the personal lives of our mythical figures? How does all this affect us today and what difference does it really make?”
Dr. Colver is the author of a new novel, MagdalenÂ’s Way that delves into the possibilities and probabilities of a married Jesus and a form of Christianity lost through the ages. The eternal feminine is revealed and the Goddess principle held sacred by our ancestors is returned to its place of value.
Publishing this book as fiction was a hard decision for the author because within its pages lies Magdalen's truth as it was lived. There are literally myriads of people who claim to have been Mary of Magdala; Arlene Colver is not one of them. She has, however, moved into Magdalen's entire consciousness. Through an incredible dream sequence, Arlene has been able to access the life of Mary Magdalen as the Bride of Christ and later as a woman of philosophy and spiritual endeavors. The author is aware of the emotional set, psychological profile, and spiritual belief system of this woman. Arlene did, during her sleeping hours, live within Magdalen. Unlike past life recall in which the re-caller sees him or herself as if watching a movie; this was a true regression in which the author was not observer but participant in the drama of that lifetime. From Arlene's journal pages she has created MagdalenÂ’s Way.