Mission Accomplished: Biometrics and the Mark of the Beast
Haitians, Jamaicans, French translation, Japanese Dancers. "It was one of the more unusual presentations I have encountered,” commented Bill Rogers, Publisher of the Biometric Digest newsletter
St. Louis, MO (PRWEB) August 6, 2004
“When the invitation arrived, I thought this would be a good opportunity to expand my personal knowledge on the subject and to help educate a new audience on biometric identification technology. While the goal was accomplished, it was one of the more unusual presentations I have encountered,” commented Bill Rogers, Publisher of the Biometric Digest newsletter. The Biometric Digest reports on news and information in the biometric identification industry.
Rogers spoke at a fund raising event for a religious organization. The official name of the church group is the “Voice of Prophecy.” They are not affiliated with the Voice of Prophecy organization, a large religious group based in California. This group is based in Brooklyn, NY and consists mainly of members from Haiti, Jamaica, and other French and English speaking communities with most living in the Brooklyn area. Much of the July 31 program was delivered in French through translation.
The event was promoted as a fund raising concert and consisted of groups of singers, dancers, musicians and speakers. The program was held at the Wingate High School in Brooklyn. “Unfortunately, the air conditioning was not working in the school auditorium. With the outside temperature in the upper 80s, it made for a very long and hot evening,” said Rogers. “The people involved with the program were most accommodating and extended a warm welcome (no pun intended). The audience numbered about 225 and was attentive and appeared interested throughout the presentation on biometric identification.”
While the bulk of the presentation focused on biometric identification, it also included comments and observations on the acceptance of past and future technology, the Mark of the Beast, and computer chip implants both in animals and humans. “I think the group was most interested in my comments about biometrics and the Mark of the Beast,” said Rogers. Rogers’ key points on this subject included the following:
1.We were all born with our biometric identifiers. They were not given to us.
2.We have used our biometric capabilities from the day we were born – eyes, voice.
3.They were given to us by God.
4.God would not give us the Mark of the Beast
Bill Rogers concluded his comments on this particular subject with the following:
•The Mark will be applied by authorities. It won’t be an existing body characteristic.
•The Mark will be in the forehead or the hand – as per the Book of Revelation.
•The key element of the Mark may be the number 666 – but this does not map to any biometric identifier.
•Most importantly, people have to agree to receive the Mark, and some won’t have it by their own choice.
In regards to the subject of computer embedded micro chips, some people question if this is the Mark of the Beast or a marvel of technology. The jury is still out on this subject and only time will tell. Developers of the VeriChip promote the positive side of this technology such as implanted medical devices like pacemakers or artificial limbs or any allergies to medication.
Microchips have been embedded in a number of devices for a long time to track individuals. Among these are cell phones, GPS systems in automobiles and clothing type devices to track individuals for medical reasons.
Security systems provider Applied Digital Solutions Inc. said recently it is one step closer to marketing VeriChip in the United States following the Food and Drug Administration's finding that there is no equivalent product on the market here. About the size of a grain of rice, VeriChip is a radio frequency microchip which, once inserted under the skin in a brief outpatient procedure, is invisible to the human eye. Each chip contains a unique verification number that is captured by briefly passing a special scanner over the chipping site. In addition to health care applications, VeriChip can be used in a variety of security, financial and emergency identification applications.
Information on biometric identification technology is available from the Biometric Digest web site at http://www. biodigest. com (http://www. biodigest. com). Information on more than 540 suppliers of biometric products and services is available on a subscription basis in the Biometric Information Directory.. A free demonstration of the Directory is available at http://www. biometricinfodirectory. com (http://www. biometricinfodirectory. com).
The Biometric Digest is based in St. Louis, Missouri. Contact them at publisher@biodigest. com or write to P. O. Box 510047, St. Louis, MO 63151-0047 US. Telephone 314-892-8632.