WeAttract. com, Inc., Announces Formation of Science Advisory Board
(PRWEB) March 9, 2005
weAttract. com, an independent research and development firm, announced today the formation of a new Science Advisory Board. This multi-disciplinary team of nationally renowned psychologists, mathematicians, and educators will advise weAttract as it designs a new generation of search engines and decision-making tools for the Internet.
WeAttract has built search systems for leading online dating websites, including the recently launched, Yahoo! Personals Premier service. “When we first started, the industry scoffed at the idea of applying science to online dating,” recalls Dr. Mark Thompson, President and CEO of weAttract. com. “They said: It’s not rocket science! But it’s much harder to connect people online than most expected.” This Board brings new skills and insights to finding relationships, jobs, and information online. The Board includes:
• Linda Adler received her Masters in Communication Research from Stanford University and is an expert in decision-making and user interface design. She also holds a Masters of Public Health and is a leader in the use of the Internet for patient education and online communities for the chronically ill.
• Jean Dixen, Ph. D. is a practicing clinical and health psychologist. She led regional efforts to establish healthcare guidelines in Psychiatry, especially for the treatment of eating disorders. Dr. Dixen is the former Program Director for Behavioral Medicine for Kaiser Permanente, California.
• Michael Georgeff, Ph. D. is among the worlds leading experts and visionaries in the research and application of artificial intelligence (AI). He is the former Director of both the Artificial Intelligence Center at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) International and the Australian AI Institute. His intelligent software agents are used around the world, including numerous Fortune 500 Companies and NASA.
• Karen Rook, Ph. D. is Professor and Chair of the Psychology and Social Behavior Department at the School of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine. She is a nationally renowned expert in issues surrounding social relationships including social support, loss, loneliness, and changes in social network and expectations over the life span.
• Niels Waller, Ph. D. is Professor of Psychology at Vanderbilt University and one of the nations leading psychometricians. He has received numerous honors for his work on personality theory, statistics, measurement design, and quantitative genetics.
• Philip Zimbardo, Ph. D. is an International leader and visionary in his field as a social psychologist, researcher, Stanford University professor, and communicator. His “Stanford Prison Experiment” is among the most influential studies in psychology, and his Introduction to Psychology has been the most popular Psychology 101 textbook for over 25 years. Dr. Zimbardo is a former President of the American Psychological Association.
To learn more about these experts, visit http://www. weattract. com/AUAdvisors. html (http://www. weattract. com/AUAdvisors. html)
About weAttract. com
WeAttract. com applies cutting edge research from mathematics and the social sciences to the design of decision-making tools, search engines, preference assessments, and interactive education tools. For more information, visit http://www. weattract. com (http://www. weattract. com).
For media inquiries, contact Cecile Conn at (214) 999-6051 or cecile@weattract. com.