Friday, February 1, 2008

Buying Pharmaceutical Quality Health Supplements Just Got Easier and Safer

Buying Pharmaceutical Quality Health Supplements Just Got Easier and Safer.

Supplement users dogged by questions of product quality and frustrated with maze-like web site navigation have reason to celebrate. RelentlessImprovement. com sets a new standard in product quality and ease of navigation.

(PRWEB) March 21, 2005

By some recent estimates, over 150 million Americans use supplements on a regular basis. Well, they might be on to something!

It seems like every day new research discovers anti-cancer, cognition enhancing and bone health supporting properties for non-prescription substances.

Green Tea for example, or more specifically the active extract EGCG, is receiving huge publicity regarding its anti-cancer properties.

Strontium is a substance recently embraced as critical for bone health. Human clinical trials support StrontiumÂ’s ability to both support new bone formation and prevent excessive resorption.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine and nootropic L-Pyroglutamic Acid when combined with R(+)-lipoic acid and other synergistic ingredients in an Ortho-Mind formulation have fascinating cognitive enhancement potential.

In recent animal experiments, Drs. Bruce Ames and Tory Hagen demonstrated that the ALCAR/ R(+)-Lipoic Acid “stack” reverses much age-associated memory loss, and the underlying brain mitochondrial decay and RNA/DNA oxidation.

Up to this point, the challenge to the consumer has been to locate a trusted supplier of pharmaceutical quality products in effective dosages. Because the FDA does not regulate these products, a consumer must depend on a suppliers independent testing for purity.

RelentlessImprovement. com has addressed this critical need by partnering in distribution with two of the most reputable suppliers in the world, Advanced Orthomolecular Research and Life Extension Foundation. Both have rigorous programs in place to insure the highest quality and bioavailability of their products.

Ever been to a web site that felt like a confusing maze? Relentless Improvement designed their web site for simple, intuitive navigation allowing shoppers to easily find and purchase the products they seek. Offering the option to view products by Health Concern, Ingredient or Supplier makes navigation a snap.

Relentless Improvement is a leading web-based retail distributor of discount nutritional supplements. Our focus is on consumer education and substances with research indicating efficacy in humans. Our mission is to be the trusted supplier of pharmaceutical quality products to discriminating supplement users.

Supplementation to support Anti-Aging, Cognitive Enhancement, Cardio/Heart, Immunity, Mens/Womans issues, Memory, Eye, Emotional and Bone health are the foundation of our product line-up.

Visit us at http://www. RelentlessImprovement. com (http://www. RelentlessImprovement. com) or call 925-236-2255
