ASTROLOGY AND THE ART OF HEALING BY A. T. MANN - A revolutionary view of health and astrology
(PRWEB) September 24, 2004 -
Conventional medicine treats symptoms with surgery and drugs rather than healing the root causes of illness. Alternative or complementary therapies act by addressing the whole self, which of itself can often raise awareness of the imbalances that create disease. There is a wide range of such therapies -- psychotherapy or meditation work with the emotions and mind; bodywork or herbs act on the physical; aromatherapy or massage work through the senses; and oriental medicines with the energy body. Astrology and the Art of Healing approaches healing and astrology in a new and revolutionary way. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual therapies relate to stages of your life process; from conception through birth, and from childhood to old age and death. Many example horoscopes show how to understand the origins of health imbalances in your life and suggest correlations to appropriate therapies that will enhance the expertise of your doctors. A free astro-chart is included.
“This is the first time I have read about astro-health without going into hypochondria overdrive. The chart contains not only the astrological story of health issues, but the seeds of their resolution through fascinating combinations of therapies.” -- Journal of the Scottish Astrological Association
“These ideas are highly original and yet still close enough to traditional astrology to force one to think carefully, making the book a must read.” -- Plymouth Evening Herald
About A. T. Mann
A. T. Mann writes and lectures about astrology, reincarnation, sacred sexuality, sacred architecture, eco-design, the tarot and other visions of integration. He lives in Hudson, New York, and maintains the website http://www. atmann. net
Astrology and the Art of Healing
By A. T. Mann
Paraview Special Editions, 2004
ISBN: 1-931044-80-5
Astrology, Paperback Reprint
DOI: http://dx. doi. org/10.1334/1931044805
Pub. Date: September 2, 2004
9x6 inches, 308 pages, $15.95/£10.50
Astrology and the Art of Healing is available through amazon. com, barnesandnoble. com, and can be ordered through local and online bookstores nationwide. For further information or to request a review copy, call 212-989-3616.
About Paraview Special Editions
Paraview Publishing is a publisher that utilizes new media technology to publish quality works in body, mind, and spirit and the frontiers of science and culture -- areas related to the transformation of society. Our imprints include Paraview Press, print-on-demand books for niche audiences; Paraview Special Editions, reprints of select out-of-print books and international books; and Paraview Pocket Books, a joint imprint with Simon & Schuster ( http://www. simonsays. com ) for traditionally published works for a wide audience. Based in New York City, Paraview targets a global audience, including over 50 million Americans who are interested in healthy lifestyles, personal development and the transformation of society.
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