Thursday, August 7, 2008

American Medication Awareness Week: "Making Prescription Medication Affordable to All"

American Medication Awareness Week: "Making Prescription Medication Affordable to All"

ANYTOWN — "Helping consumers maintain the lowest costs for necessary prescription medication is our primary goal," says Mary Jones, Home Office Associate for North American Discount Drugs. "We're proud of our work, and American Medication Awareness Week, June 2-8, is the time to be aware of how to lower the average family's bill for prescriptions.

(PRWEB) May 7, 2003

ANYTOWN — "Helping consumers maintain the lowest costs for necessary prescription medication is our primary goal," says Mary Jones, Home Office Associate for North American Discount Drugs. "We're proud of our work, and American Medication Awareness Week, June 2-8, is the time to be aware of how to lower the average family's bill for prescriptions.

This week's theme, "Keeping prescription medication affordable for everyone" is intended to remind people that your bill for drugs doesn't have to leave you in a position of giving up other items in your budget in order to afford required drugs" said Ms. Jones.

"We've planned a number of events and activities to let everyone know their options," said Ms. Jones. "We especially want senior citizens and those without insurance coverage on their prescriptions to be informed of their choices."

"We will be setting up tables in front of supermarkets and giving out brochures, flyers, T-shirts and other information items" Jones said. "People at our tables will be prepared to quote prices and provide information first hand."

"In addition, we'll work with members in the local community to ensure everyone has the opportunity to learn how to save money on their family's prescription medication."

The scheduled events include:

ABC Supermarket - 8:00 am - 7:00 PM daily Free T-shirt and pill splitters given every hour

EFG Supermarket - 8:00 am - 7:00 PM daily Free T-shirt and pill splitters given every hour

Sunday, June 8, will be set aside as a special day to honor Yourtown's Health Professional — the doctors, nurses, aides and others whose services to healthcare is invaluable.

More information is posted on our local Web site at NorthAmericanDiscountDrugs. com/yourHOA#.htm

Many of the local association's events and activities are jointly sponsored by local businesses and civic groups.

Ms. Jones said, "Local citizens are being very generous with their time by agreeing to assist us at the tables and pass out information and merchandise."

Mary Jones is an affiliate of North American Discount Drugs (NADD). NADD has established American Medication Awareness Week as a way to draw public attention to the needs for lower costs in prescription medication.

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