Is Your Computer More Virus-Free Than YOU Are? Four Mountains, Inc.Â’s Evolution of Health Project announces FREE On-line Personal Health Education Desk-Direct byway of Email!
Four Mountains, Inc. – a privately held Clinical & Research Laboratory wants to change human priority to health, byway of an emailed desk-direct Free On-Line Personal Health Education service. Making health education easy, simple, accessible, available and free, Four Mountains hopes to get people more involved in the health of their bodies than solely in the health of their computers
(PRWEB) June 25, 2003
Contact: Stacey Kumagai at 818.506.8675
Is Your Computer More Virus-Free Than YOU Are?
Four Mountains, Inc.Â’s Evolution of Health Project announces
FREE On-line Personal Health Education Desk-Direct byway of Email!
Calabasas, CA – In first quarter 2003 – two viruses hit the world globally. For computers, the “Worm” virus spread worldwide, infecting more than 75,000 victims (55 million IP addresses per second), making it by far the fastest worm to date. For humans, the global epidemic of SARS (with over 8,000 reports of cases to-date) caused worldwide concern. Which prompted more research, prevention, preparedness, information-awareness and action? Sad, but true – it was the computer virus. Four Mountains, Inc. – a privately held Clinical & Research Laboratory wants to change human priority to health, byway of an emailed desk-direct Free On-Line Personal Health Education service. Making health education easy, simple, accessible, available and free, Four Mountains hopes to get people more involved in the health of their bodies than solely in the health of their computers.
"We are very excited that we are able to make this information so widely available. This is an important step toward empowering consumers with better information than has ever been available before. Unlike a book or audio program, because of E-mail technology, we're able to offer these important lessons to the public free of charge," states Dr. Ward Coleman, N. D. and President of Four Mountains, Inc.
Today, many busy business people and tech-heads are sitting at their computers with poor posture, slaving away at their key boards, suffering from blurred vision, dehydration, carpal tunnel, poor circulation, malnutrition, and getting more sedentary. Four Mountains hopes the excess time people spend upgrading hard drives/software and doing daily virus scans optimizing computer performance, will soon change focus to optimizing physical health, maintenance and performance within their own personal body systems.
Four Mountains, innovator of clinical breakthroughs synthesizing all available data in the fields of alternative medicine, disease prevention, wholistic mind/body health and anti-aging technology has cataloged approximately eighty Wellness Tools. These are designed specifically to facilitate the four vital processes (detoxification, fortification, relaxation and mobilization) in the self-management of mind/body/lifestyle wellness for maximum care of the body's twelve systems.
For media requests, contact Stacey Kumagai at 818/506-8675 or mediamonster@yahoo. com. TO SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE ONLINE HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM email fourmountains@earthlink. net For more information on wellness call Four Mountains, Inc., at 800/736-0904