Wednesday, October 29, 2008

BeyondBikes. com Launches Bicycle Tip Site at LifeTips. com

BeyondBikes. com Launches Bicycle Tip Site at LifeTips. com

BeyondBikes. com will now become the exclusive bicycle client in the LifeTips network.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) January 23, 2006

Beyond Bikes selects LifeTips for content development services and link building strategy, and together with LifeTips announces the launch of the Bicycle Site in the LifeTips network to millions of knowledge seekers at LifeTips. BeyondBikes. com will now become the exclusive bicycle client in the LifeTips network.

“Beyond Bikes is a great site and we are really excited to launch the Bicycle Tip Site into our network,” said Byron White, President of LifeTips. “Everything you need to know about bikes is right at your finger tips when you are on BeyondBikes. com.”

Sample Bicycle Tip:

A Properly Fitted Bike “Make sure your bike fits! To get both the best performance and enjoyment from cycling, regardless of whether you’re riding for fun or to win, a properly fitted bike is a must. So, how do you fit a bike?

A properly sized bike allows you to extend your leg as far as possible without completely straightening your knee—if the saddle is too low, you won’t be able to achieve this optimum leg extension. And, you should be able to straddle the frame with both feet flat and still have a bit of clearance.”

Learn more great Bicycle Tips from Bicycle. Lifetips. com.

About BeyondBikes. com

BeyondBikes. com maintains the best source of outdoor extreme sports equipment for extreme athletes and weekend warriors and provides a safe, secure, fun and friendly shopping experience for our customers. The company also offers the finest products at the lowest possible price and help customers maintain or achieve a fun and healthy lifestyle while building brand-name recognition for the "Beyond Bikes" name.

About LifeTips. com

LifeTips offers content solutions and link strategy that help clients earn trust and build relationships with new customers, drive more traffic to their web sites, and improve conversions and increase sales. Over 500+ writers create content for the company's 200+ Tip Sites and for clients' web sites and informational marketing campaigns. The company was founded by Byron White in 2000 and has success well documented in many major publications.

With proper attribution and a link to the appropriate source, media representatives are free to use tips from any of the Tip Sites at LifeTips, including the Bicycle Tips® (http://Bicycle. lifetips. com (http://Bicycle. lifetips. com)).

For more information:

Byron White

LifeTips. com

Byron@lifetips. com

Http://www. lifetips. com (http://www. lifetips. com)

Michael Mulder

Beyond Bikes

Michale@beyondbikes. com

Http://www. beyondbikes. com (http://www. beyondbikes. com)

This press release distributed by PRWeb, the official newswire of LifeTips. com.

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