Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Do You Think Like a Millionaire? Give Yourself a 25 Year Head Start

Do You Think Like a Millionaire? Give Yourself a 25 Year Head Start

1) What you habitually say to yourself all day creates your Habits of Thought 2) Your habits of thought create your Desires 3) Your desires create what you Do 4) What you do creates your Life

Bremerton, WA (PRWEB) April 22, 2004

Acquire the habits of thought of people who are healthy, wealthy and happy - and you eventually become more healthy, wealthy and happy.

Why? Because you eventually do what they do and your similar actions produce similar rewards. In other words:

1) What you habitually say to yourself all day creates your Habits of Thought
2) Your habits of thought create your Desires
3) Your desires create what you Do
4) What you do creates your Life - wealth or poverty, health or illness, joy or despair. Your actions make your world a better place or make your world a worse place.

All day long you say things to yourself. You have done so your entire life: "I'm stupid; I'll always be poor; I'll never lose weight; no one likes me; I'm worthless."

If you want more out of life - change those statements. How do you do that?

What you repeat to yourself you eventually believe - whether it's helpful or harmful, accurate or inaccurate, honest or dishonest.

Individuals or organizations that want to implant harmful beliefs into their victims use this process all the time. By the way, to rid yourself of harmful beliefs, just question those beliefs and they begin to weaken.

Through the centuries, this process has been called many things: autosuggestion, goal statements, self-talk, affirmations, self-suggestion, conditioning. Now it's time you use it on purpose instead of accidentally. Here's how.

You want financial independence. How do you find out what millionaires say to themselves about making money? You could spend decades finding out for yourself - or take the following shortcut and save yourself 25 years of time and money.

The habits of thought of 500 millionaires are in Napoleon Hill's timeless book "Think and Grow Rich" in the chapters on "Faith" and "Autosuggestion."

So, to think like a millionaire and to earn the income you want, do the following two steps:

1) As often as possible each day for the rest of your life read silently or aloud the "Self-Confidence Formula" Napoleon Hill's suggests in the chapter on "Faith" and

2) As often as possible each day for the rest of your life read silently or aloud the "How to Stimulate Your Subconscious Mind" section in the chapter on "Autosuggestion."

As you read the above, see, hear, and feel yourself doing what you read. Soon, you begin to get ideas on what you need to do to make those thoughts become real. The same principle works for other areas of life: physical - spiritual, social - emotional, financial - intellectual as well as achievement in business, art, science, and sports.

One last point. You are 100 percent responsible for your thoughts, desires, actions, and results. If you don't like the results you are getting in life, begin with your thoughts.

And don't use the "victim" mentality of "Oh, I tried this and it didn't work" or "This is stupid. I'm not doing this." Replace unwanted thoughts by saying to yourself 'Next!' and take charge of your life by managing your mind FIRST - your actions and your rewards follow.

Copyright 2004-2007 Lonni Erickson. All Rights Reserved. You now have permission to reprint this article as long as it is not edited and the below resource information is included.

Lonni's career counselor in high school told him he could never attend the University of Colorado because his "C" grade point average proved he could never go to college. Five years later, by using the principles in this article, he graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering and has excelled in science, art, and sports. Other aritcles by the author include "Was Jesus an Allegory or a Real Person?" at www. prweb. com.

Free yourself from individuals who use force, threats, fraud, guilt, or fear to steal your time, money, and energy. See www. neo-tech. com
