Saturday, February 7, 2009

Beyond Katrina Offers Help and Healing via Online Gathering

Beyond Katrina Offers Help and Healing via Online Gathering

Free Teleconference to Focus on "The Work"

BATON ROUGE, LA (PRWEB) March 9, 2007

Beyond Katrina: The Voice of Hurricane Disaster & Recovery", is sponsoring two free teleconferences for survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to learn how to use The Work of Byron Katie, a simple yet powerful process of inquiry that is helping people all over the world find a greater sense of well-being in context of life challenges, such as hurricane recovery. In this teleclass facilitated by Dr. Maggie Carter PhD., participants will have many opportunities to fully experience the effectiveness of The Work and learn how to apply it to everyday situations in their own lives. The free teleconferences are scheduled for March 15 and March 22 from 7 to 8 p. m. CDT.

"The Work is one of the most powerful methods ever devised to end human suffering," explained Margaret Saizan, founder of the "Beyond Katrina" blog at www. hurricane-katrina. org. "As a south Louisiana resident myself, who rode out the storm only to face the devastation of stalled recovery efforts and endless bureaucratic red tape, this method has helped me reshape my mood and focus on a more positive approach to solving the problems regardless of who is to blame."

Though the storms hit Louisiana and the Gulf Coast more than 18 months ago, survivors and the bureaucracy of the local and federal governments have slowed down, if not stalled, in efforts to move on.

"We think suffering thoughts all day long andlive our lives as though these thoughts are actually true," added Dr Carter. "But there is a way out of the resulting sadness, anger, frustration and fear. It's The Work. I have found no other tool that is as simple and has such insightful results."

The online community that engages daily with each other via "Beyond Katrina" continues to examine the impacts of the storms and seek to develop transformational change through this crisis. Saizan is creating a "Beyond Katrina Survivors Newsletter" to further reach out to those adversely affected by the storms and to promote personal healing and recovery issues. She has witnessed a great need for a positive reference and connection among these survivors through the active, online forum at her blog everyday. What began as casual observers interested in finding out any information on the storm has become a forum for sociologists, geologists, architects, authors, and photographers hoping to enact cultural change and policy reform, and with this teleclass and the newsletter, improve their personal futures for the best.

The free teleconference will be held March 15 from 7-8 p. m. CDT and March 22 from 7-8 p. m. CDT. Attendees simply need to call 218-486-1300 PIN 745633 at the time of their choice and be prepared to be transformed. They do not need to register in advance.

About Margaret Saizan

Margaret Saizan (www. margaretsaizan. org) is a new media publisher, personal/ organizational coach, and community activist. The Baton Rouge, La. native became a blogger during the largest natural disaster in U. S. history - Hurricane Katrina. A graduate of Newfield Network, (www. newfieldnetwork. com) one of the best regarded international coach training schools, Margaret focuses on empowering leadership and facilitating action during transition, crisis, and disaster as the pathway to new vision. www. hurricane-katrina. org and Big Vision Media aspire to ignite wise action, new vision and positive change through transformational media.

About Dr. Maggie Carter, PhD.

Maggie Carter, PhD.(www. maggiecarter. com) is a personal/organizational coach and two-time graduate of Byron Katie's School for The Work. In her professional life she has worked as an educator, a director of staff development, a director of human resources, a consultant to organizations, a master facilitator and trainer and personal life coach. She continues to work with individuals, groups and organizations to facilitate positive change and explore new possibilities. Dr. Carter holds a Bachelor of Arts in education, a Master's in reading and linguistics and a Doctorate in staff development, adult learning and leadership. She is also a graduate of the Institute of Life Coach Training.

About The Work

The Work is a way to identify and question the thoughts that cause suffering in ourselves, our homes, our communities and ultimately the world. Anyone with a pen, paper and an open mind can do it. The Work consists of four questions and a turnaround, which is a way to experience the opposite of what you believe. The Work applies to people of all walks of life and is currently being used by coaches, therapists, social workers, healing practitioners, and others who work in the mental health field as well as people who work in business, education and church communities. For more visit www. thework. com.

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