AAA-1 Starts a Business in Major Industries, Upgrade Later for Full Infinity Expansion Compensation™
“…the need to participate in multiple companies paying you through multiple types of compensation structures is now a thing of the past.”
(PRWEB) December 7, 2004
R & J Foundation an independent representative of Multiple Income Solutions™ (MIS) allow individuals to start their own home based business or enhance their business with products and services provided under the divisions. These divisions are actual businesses established in an industry, allowing you to set-up your business utilizing one or all of the divisions. For existing businesses the products and services are great! By using the products and services to enhance your business you can actually generate an income by referring them to others. As we know, to have a successful business you need promotion and incentives anyway, so why not generate some additional income in the process.
With R & J Foundation being an independent representative of Multiple Income Solutions™ (MIS) having several divisions under its umbrella, each division is poised to operate as if it were its own company. By combining these divisions together for you, MIS gives you the opportunity to work in several industries at the same time as well as the ability to work in as many or as few as you choose to establish your dream of Multiple Streams of Income through ONE Solid Company and ONE Revolutionary Compensation Structure.
Visit this area often, as additional divisions will become available in the future. Below are just a few of the MIS sites currently available: reference member I. D. rjforg for any icon if requested.
The MIS Gateway
Http://rjforg. org (http://rjforg. org) Click Starts A Business and sign up to join this explosive opportunity
This site includes an overview and direct links to each division of Multiple Income Solutions™ (MIS) currently available.
The Viva ToxicFree™ Division
(our Health & Wellness Division - replacement site for Wellness Netrix)
Http://rjforg. org (http://rjforg. org) Click Starts A Business and the Viva ToxicFree icon
This site promotes the opportunity for anyone to tap into the $500 Billion Dollar Health & Wellness Industry through the Viva ToxicFree™ Division of Multiple Income Solutions™ (MIS). Any registrations, business builder package purchases and/or product purchases from this site will instantly become a part of your organization.
In the book, "The Next Trillion", Paul Zane Pilzer states, "By the year 2010, an additional $1 Trillion of the U. S. economy will be devoted to the Wellness Industry", providing people with products that will make them feel better, younger and that can help prevent diseases from developing in the first place.
The B2BNetrix Division
Http://rjforg. org (http://rjforg. org) Click Starts A Business and the B2B icon
This site promotes the opportunity for anyone to tap into the $2.7 Trillion Dollar Business to Business (B2B) Industry through the B2B Division of Multiple Income Solutions™ (MIS). Any registrations, business builder package purchases and/or product purchases from this site will instantly become a part of your organization.
The TravelNetrix Division
Http://rjforg. org (http://rjforg. org) Click Starts A Business and the travel icon
This site promotes the opportunity for anyone to tap into the $5 Trillion Dollar Travel Industry through the Travel Division of Multiple Income Solutions™ (MIS). Any registrations, business builder package purchases and/or product purchases from this site will instantly become a part of your organization.
The Personal Development Netrix Division
Http://rjforg. org (http://rjforg. org) Click Starts A Business and the personal development icon
This site promotes the opportunity for anyone to tap into the Personal Development and Self Motivation Industry through the Personal Development Division of Multiple Income Solutions™ (MIS). Any registrations, business builder package purchases and/or product purchases from this site will instantly become a part of your organization.
The Fundraising Netrix Division
Http://rjforg. org (http://rjforg. org) Click Starts A Business and the fundraising icon
This site promotes the opportunity for anyone to tap into the $4 Billion Dollar Fundraising Industry through the Fundraising Division of Multiple Income Solutions™ (MIS). Any registrations, business builder package purchases and/or product purchases from this site will instantly become a part of your organization.
Do not delay and join now, we are looking for experienced network marketers who will benefit from a wide open territory and the benefits of the Viva ToxicFree Product being featured in our initial nationwide infomercials product launch. Linda Chae and the ToxicFree Foundation may be featured on Talk Shows this upcoming year. This is a great opportunity for anyone serious about making serious multiple streams of income with one company. Visit www. rjforg. org for more information and to sign up.