Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dialysis patients can "escape" their boredom and anxiety through ceiling imagery. CeilingScenes ceiling tiles create a positive mood change in dialysis clinics through full color ceiling images

Dialysis patients can "escape" their boredom and anxiety through ceiling imagery. CeilingScenes ceiling tiles create a positive mood change in dialysis clinics through full color ceiling images.

A new concept in dialysis clinic decor helps change the mood and patient feelings through the application of digitally imaged "ceiling post cards". Beautiful scenes replace white ceilings to relieve stress and improve the mood of dialysis patients.

(PRWEB) July 8, 2004


Can you imagine having to stare at a blank, white ceiling for up to 6 hours every other day? That is exactly what dialysis patients must do for the rest of their lives if they are to live.

Recently, APPLIED VISUAL CONCEPTS, in cooperation with the Gambro Healthcare dialysis clinic in Zeeland, Michigan, has "brought the world" into the lives of patients during their life-saving procedure. While lying on their backs and connected to the dialysis machine, these patients are "transported" to exotic places such as the tropics, the African Safari, the mountains of the Wild West or virtually anywhere in the world. As the pioneering provider of digital imaging technology in West Michigan for use on virtually any surface, Applied Visual Concepts has transformed what was once a sterile ceiling surface to an exciting and inviting panorama. GambroÂ’s patients can now have their sometimes-daily dialysis procedure performed while their sights and minds feast on pleasurable images of far away places.

Recent research at the clinic show that 68% of respondents felt less stress during dialysis by viewing the CeilingScenes tiles versus standard white tiles. Those same surveys indicate that 98% felt the visual enhancements created a more positive environment for their treatment. At a cost that is far below most decorator art work, any medical or dental facility can create a relaxing and visually appealing experience for their patients utilizing Applied Visual Concept's technology.

"The world is now within sight for those patients who must endure recurring medical treatments such as chemotherapy, dialysis or even simple dental work." says Larry Loser, President of Applied Visual Concepts. "Although our products cannot heal the patient's illness, they do provide a momentary journey to a place where their cares can be forgotten if but for a brief moment."

Applied Visual Concepts is a West Michigan company that digitally transforms virtually any flat surface into appealing images. Uses include ceiling tiles, work surfaces, glass shower doors, cabinet doors and many other surfaces. The images are UV and scratch resistant and will provide years of enjoyment for the user. CeiligScenes. com is the location of the web-based storefront for the ceiling products mentioned in this release. Contact: Larry Loser, President, Applied Visual Concepts at 616-546-3543 or customerservice@ceilingscenes. com

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