Thursday, September 3, 2009

African Students Return Home with Skills to Save Lives

African Students Return Home with Skills to Save Lives

Graduates from MediSend Biomedical Repair Training Program return to Angola, Nigeria and Equitorial Guinea to work in hospitals and clinics.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) October 17, 2007

Seven students from Africa are preparing to return home from Dallas to improve healthcare conditions in their communities in Angola, Nigeria, and Equatorial Guinea. As graduates of the MediSend Biomedical Repair Training Program, the students will be working in clinics and hospitals in their countries where medical diagnostic and treatment equipment are in desperate need of repair and maintenance, but where repair technicians do not currently exist. Saturday, October 20th at 11 a. m., the students will receive their diplomas from the program sponsored by the ExxonMobil Foundation as part of ExxonMobil's Africa Health Initiative.

In 2006 MediSend opened a state-of-the-art biomedical repair laboratory at MediSend headquarters located in the Elisabeth Dahan Humanitarian Center in Dallas, Texas. The center is named for Elisabeth Dahan, wife of retired ExxonMobil Executive Rene Dahan. The couple donated the funds to make the purchase of MediSend's facility at 9244 Markville Drive possible. At the dedication of the building in October 2006, MediSend promised the Dahans a training facility where students from developing countries would learn the skills to repair life-saving biomedical diagnostic and treatment equipment. One year later, the MediSend Biomedical Equipment Repair Program is graduating the first group of students to return to their home countries with skills that will make those life-saving differences.

The graduation ceremonies will take place at MediSend International with one hundred invited guests including Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McElvy, President of the ExxonMobil Foundation, Mary Jo Myers (wife of the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers) and NASA Astronaut James F. Reilly, II (PH. D.). A celebration luncheon will take place following the ceremonies.

About MediSend International
MediSend International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, humanitarian organization that provides medical aid and education to people in need in developing countries worldwide. MediSend's global mission includes the distribution of medical supplies and equipment in long-term medical aid programs, disaster-emergency medical relief campaigns, and educational programs in Biomedical Equipment Repair.
