Healing411 is a different kind of search engine with new and great features
Susan Marina Perdos said, healing411.com is about health and healing. She is passionate on the need to see human beings as a whole system of heart, mind, heart and body, spirit, and she points out that a therapeutic intervention on any level will affect the whole. She stresses the urgency of bringing human values such as touch, emotional intimacy, respect and humility back into the medical model.
(PRWEB) September 4, 2004
Healing411 is a different kind of search engine with new and improved features.
News phenomenon - In The Search Engine World –health and healing Search Engine Healing411.com Announces It’s Solution To High Priced Adwords Campaigns and Integrates Jumpat JumpWords and Live Support Chat Launched Monday August 23, 2004 a Service Owned By Partner Network Jumpat. com
Health and healing Search Engine healing411.com partnered with Jumpat. com and implemented Jumpat JumpWords into their search engine. JumpWords launched this past Monday will provide advertisers was similar pay per click solutions offered by other searches, but with greater result that target offer results specific health and healing. The live support chat feature enhances our commitment to offer the best real time support for advertisers and consumers alike.
The phenomenal news in the search engine world is that healing411.com announced the integration of Jumpat JumpWords Premium Ad System and Live chat support into their health and healing network.
Jumpat JumpWords is a service offered at healing411.com that allows advertisers premium ad placement in our featured ad section for as little as $0.20 cents per keyword. Advertisers bidding at least twenty cents will have their ads placed in our premium featured ad rotation located on the front page of healing411.com.
Healing411.comÂ’s live support chat operates from 9 am to 6 pm EST Monday through Friday. Implementing live chat support will serve our advertisers and consumers in real time, with email and phone support options available as well.
Susan Marina Perdos, CEO of healing411 states” I am totally delighted by the development and launch of Jumpat JumpWords by the founders of Jumpat. com Tom Tsilionis, CEO of Jumpat. com. My partnership with Jumpat. com looks to be a long and prosperous venture.”
The following portal is powered by Jumpat. com and advertising is powered by the Jumpat. com JumpLink system. For additional information on our portals please visit http://www. jumpatbiz. com (http://www. jumpatbiz. com). For investment opportunities please contact Thomas Tsilionis at 888-212-4772 Ext. 85 or tomt@jumpat. com