International Iridoid Research Council Announced
First Annual International Iridoid Research Symposium to Be Held This Summer at Tahitian Noni International
Provo, UT (Vocus) March 11, 2010
Tahitian Noni International (http://www. tni. com/united_states/english/tahitiannoni/index. html? np=1) (TNI) announced the formation of a new organization dedicated to the sharing of information and research being conducted on iridoids (http://research. tni. com/united_states/english/research/iridoids. html) in both plants and animals. The new organization will be called the International Iridoid Research Council (http://www. tni. com/united_states/english/tahitiannoni/company/page. html? id=313092) (IIRC), and membership in the council will be made up of individuals and companies that have completed or are currently conducting research on iridoids. The primary goal of the IIRC will be to share current scientific information about iridoids and their properties.
The IIRC will be originally hosted by Tahitian Noni International, but will invite other organizations, scientists, and universities doing iridoid research to share in the council duties as it moves forward. Membership in the council during the initial phase will be free, but new members will need to be approved and sponsored by a current member of the council.
International Iridoid Research Symposium
The council will also host an annual International Iridoid Research Symposium. The first conference is planned for two days in the summer of 2010 (dates to be announced), and will be held in Provo, Utah, at the corporate headquarters of Tahitian Noni International. The conference will bring scientists, academics, and organizations together from all over the world to share what they are discovering about the functions of iridoids in plants and animals. Information from the conference will not only enhance the current understanding of iridoids, but also foster the increased study of iridoids.
If you are interested in being a member of the council, or if you’d like more information about attending the symposium, please go to http://www. tni. com/IIRC (http://www. tni. com/IIRC).
About the Company
Tahitian Noni International is a global, research-driven bioactive products (http://products. tni. com/united_states/english/nonistore/v9index. html) company that was the first to introduce the health benefits of the noni (http://research. tni. com/united_states/english/research/about_noni. html) plant—a bioactive-rich, adaptogenic plant, containing iridoid compounds—to the world outside of Tahiti. Tahitian Noni International is the leader in the discovery, development, manufacturing, and marketing of noni-based bioactive products including beverages, beauty, and weight loss lines. Headquartered in Provo, Utah, Tahitian Noni International has a presence in over 70 markets around the world, and is the worldwide leader in bioactive beverages.