Activist to Hold First Ever CHICAGO SOCIAL FORUM 31 January 2004, Jones High School, 606 S. State St., 9am-6pm
The Chicago Social Forum is a daylong event that will bring together people from different movements, organizations, campaigns and struggles for democratic discussion, debates and building solidarity. A "movement of movements," we seek to create on ongoing center for activism that can educate, organize and mobilize our diverse campaigns for social justice as well as involved individual people on a range of issues. Forty three different workshops will be offered from affordable housing to the war in Iraq. Please see www. chicagosocialforum. org for a complete list of speakers and workshops
(PRWEB) January 29, 2004
The Chicago Social Forum will include reports from participants in the World Social Forum in Mumbai (Bombay), India, where 80,000 people gathered from January 16-21 (see www. wsfindia. org). We take inspiration from the World Social Forum, which attracted more than 10,000 people to Brazil at its first meeting in 2001. Two years later, some100,000 attended, from across Latin America and around the world.
Who: Speakers include Dr. Calvin Morris: Community Renewal Society; Njoki Njehu & Soren Ambrose: 50 Years is Enough; Dr. Quentin Young: Physicians for National Health Plan; James Thindwa: Chicago Jobs with Justice; Mary Zerkel: American Friends Service Committee; Saskia Sassen: University of Chicago; Dave Ranney: Hemispheric Social Alliance; Amhed Shawki: International Socialist Review; Carl Davidson: Chicagoans Against War and Injustice.
Sponsoring Organizations: ADAPT, American Friends Service Committee, Anderson Neighbors for Peace, Beyond St. Leonard’s, Campaign for Victims of Police Torture & Wrongful Convictions, Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Center for Economic Research and Social Change, Chiapas Peace Housing Project, Chicago Africa Initiative, Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, Chicago Independent Media Center, Chicago Media Action, CSA Learning Center, Coalition to Protect Public Housing, Community of Uptown Residents for Affordability & Justice, The Coordination of Mexican Organizations in the Midwest, Earth Charter Chicago, ECOVIDA, Eighth Day Center for Justice, EnlacesAmerica, Freestyle Collective, Genewise, Gingarte Capoeira, Haymarket Books, Hype Park Committee Against War and Racism, Illinois Coalition, Against the Death Penalty, Illinois SOA Watch, Inside Out Art Studio, Insight Arts, The International Coalition of Mexicans Abroad, National Writers Union – Chicago, The New Chicago School, Open Book Peace Project, Quad Productions, Queer to the Left, Rogers Park Community Action Network, University of Hip Hop, University of Illinois-Chicago Campus Antiwar, Voices