Hurricane Ravaged Areas Flock to Health Website
A statistically significant increase in registrants from the Gulf States to a blood pressure website has occurred during this hurricane season.
Suwanee, GA (PRWEB) October 5, 2005
Last week Steve Sullivan, creator of www. BloodPressureTracker. com, was reviewing traffic and registration statistics on his website when he noticed a pattern. He was reviewing the states and countries of registrants and the dates they signed up. He noticed that during the time that Rita was bearing down on Texas there was an extraordinary number of people with Texas addresses. Sullivan decided to check and see if there was a similar phenomenon when Hurricane Katrina was taking its toll on the Gulf Coast. Much to his amazement, Steve discovered a similar wave of registrants from the affected areas when Katrina was creating havoc.
Sullivan determined that during this hurricane season 33% of his U. S. registrants have been from the affected states although those states only make up 17% of the US population. Said another way, the affected states have 52% more registrations than the national average.
Steve postulates that the added strain and stress caused by these natural disasters has had impact on local peopleÂ’s blood pressure or their desire to monitor it. Sullivan concludes that given yesterday's announced layoffs by New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin many from the area will continue to look to health sites for information and help.
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