Monday, August 9, 2010

The Housekeeping Channel (HC) and The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Partner on Vacuum Cleaner Reviews

The Housekeeping Channel (HC) and The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Partner on Vacuum Cleaner Reviews

Shoppers get new, reliable source for online vacuum cleaner reviews.

Boise, Idaho (Vocus) February 3, 2009

The Housekeeping Channel (HC) (http://www. HousekeepingChannel. com) announced today that it will collaborate with The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) (http://www. carpet-rug. org) to review residential vacuum cleaners that have earned CRI's Gold, Silver, or Bronze "Seal of Approval" designation.

The new series seeks to arm shoppers with essential information to make wise purchasing decisions when selecting a vacuum cleaner. A recent survey reported in The Wall Street Journal (http://online. wsj. com/article/SB123144483005365353.html? mod=rss_media_and_marketing) revealed that 70% of Americans consult product reviews or consumer ratings before making buying decisions. More specifically, the survey showed that 58% of shoppers would do significant research before buying a vacuum cleaner.*

The reviews will combine the results of field tests performed by HousekeepingChannel. com staff with CRI's scientific laboratory testing.

CRI measures soil removal using NASA-enhanced x-ray fluorescence and assesses indoor air quality according to strict criteria for dust containment. The testing also evaluates each vacuum cleaner on how well carpet retains its appearance after extended use.

HousekeepingChannel. com staff will test the vacuum cleaners by performing typical tasks on various surfaces, providing a comprehensive view of the complete out-of-the-box user experience under real-world conditions. A final rating will be calculated based on Effectiveness, Ease of Use, Durability, and Value.

"This new series of reviews further reflects our commitment to helping people achieve cleaner, healthier homes," said Allen Rathey, president of The Housekeeping Channel, LLC. "The extensive testing done by CRI's Seal of Approval program, combined with our real-world testing, will provide consumers with essential information to choose high quality vacuum cleaners, optimize carpet care, and improve the indoor environments of their homes."

About The Housekeeping Channel

The Housekeeping Channel (HC) strives to be the Web's most comprehensive storehouse of factual information for consumers and media on achieving a cleaner, more organized and healthier indoor environment. The site provides how-to tutorials, news and reviews regarding the latest innovations in the cleaning industry, time-saving systems and motivation for keeping a better house at the click of a mouse. HC is a respected source of information relevant to cleaner, healthier homes, and has been cited or quoted by national media including US News and World Report, Newsweek, Real Simple and major news outlets. HC's world-class Advisory Board (http://www. housekeepingchannel. com/aboutus. php) helps ensure the technical accuracy of its content.

About The Carpet and Rug Institute

The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) is a non-profit trade association representing the manufacturers of more than 95 percent of all carpet made in the United States, as well as their suppliers and service providers. It conducts primary research, gathers data from other sources, and distributes informational materials on a variety of subjects related to carpets and rugs. CRI is a source of science-based, factual carpet information for consumers, writers, interior designers, specifiers, facility managers, architects, builders, building owners and managers, installation contractors and retailers.

*Source: The Wall Street Journal, January 8, 2009; Mark Penn with E. Kinney Zalesne, "Microtrends: New Info Shoppers"
