Local Non-profit offers Solution for Proposed Cuts in ADAP Funding
The increasing cost of prescription medication and proposed reduction in funding has forced many living with chronic illness to seek additional help.
(PRWEB) February 1, 2003
HOUSTON (January 28, 2003) – If passed, it promises to be one of the hardest blows yet to Texas healthcare reform. In an effort to lower budget deficits, this year 13 state Aids Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs), including Texas, are expected to limit access to HIV medications for thousands of uninsured and underinsured individuals. If passed, 2,500 Texans currently enrolled in ADAP will be removed from the program and denied funding for medication. The plan also includes proposed income level reductions, which would cut annual qualification levels by more than 50 percent – from $27,000/year to $12,404/year. The increasing cost of prescription medication and proposed reduction in funding has forced many living with chronic illness to seek additional help.
Non-profit organizations such as the Houston Buyers Club (HBC) offer free educational seminars and discounted supplements for individuals living with HIV, Hepatitis C and other chronic illnesses. HBC provides a variety of supplements that stimulate, support and act to protect the bodyÂ’s immune system, and inhibit viral activity. Physicians refer patients to HBC for supplements that help safely and effectively manage chronic side effects.
About Houston Buyers Club
Houston Buyers Club (HBC) was founded in 1996 as a non-profit organization. With over 3,000 clients in the United States and Canada, HBC helps individuals living with chronic illnesses through education and by providing affordable nutritional supplements. HBC promotes proper management of side effects of chronic illnesses through adherence to medication regimens that result in wellness and improved quality of life. For more information, visit the HBC website at www. houstonbuyersclub. com