AskMen. com And HowStuffWorks. Com Reiterate that Content is King
The leader in online men's lifestyle content and one of the Web's most popular editorial reference sites, have been successfully exchanging links to content that resonates with each sites respective user base.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada (PRWEB) May 19, 2005
www. AskMen. com the leader in online men's lifestyle content, and www. HowStuffWorks. com, one of the Web's most popular editorial reference sites, have been successfully exchanging links to content that resonates with each site's respective user base.
AskMen. com's articles in men's lifestyle topics such as fitness, entertainment, fashion, and health are made available on HowStuffWorks. com, providing varied and opinioned content to accompany HowStuffWorks' award-winning articles on how just about anything works. In turn, AskMen. com's audience benefits from access to the wealth of information available at HowStuffWorks. com. The two sites' union was recently exemplified as part of a recent special section devoted to the upcoming "Star Wars Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith" movie. By featuring "Star Wars"-related articles from HowStuffWorks. com directly alongside AskMen. com's own content, readers at both sites were provided with varying styles of writing, that when combined, offered a more complete user experience.
"Being able to provide HowStuffWorks' straightforward and engaging content on AskMen. com is a fantastic bonus for our readers," said Chris Rovny, AskMen. comÂ’s VP of Marketing, "and teaming up with them on our recent Star Wars feature proved what a great content partner they really are. Providing quality content to our predominantly male audience is our top priority, and HowStuffWorks certainly delivers in that regard."
HowStuffWorks also anticipates that the partnership will be a fruitful one. "HowStuffWorks exists to provide positive consumer experiences. Over the past six years, we've realized that the only way to do that is by offering consistently good content that is both informative and entertaining. Providing access to AskMen. com content provides our users with a style of writing that, although is markedly different from what HowStuffWorks normally features, ultimately adds to the user experience," said Gabe Vehovsky, VP of Marketing and Business Development at HowStuffWorks.
About AskMen. com
AskMen. com is a leading website for men in the world, with 3.8 million unique visitors in March 2005, according to comScore Media Metrix*. One of the Web's foremost content providers, with an archive of over 11,000 articles available for free online, AskMen. com updates daily and features over 200 new articles a month across a variety of sections: Dating & Love, Sexuality, Celebrity Profiles & Interviews, Health & Sports, Fashion & Lifestyle, Power & Money, and Entertainment. AskMen. com also publishes daily features such as the Cool Site of the Day, Joke of the Day, Fact of the Day, Quote of the Day, Question of the Day, Video of the Day, and Gadget of the Day. The annual Top 99 Most Desirable Women feature is a popular draw on the site. AskMen. com hosts an active and popular online community with over 25,000 members. AskMen. com has had content partnerships with the likes of MSN, AOL, Netscape, CompuServe, Univision, Overture, Lycos Asia, and more.
About HowStuffWorks:
HowStuffWorks is widely recognized as the leading source for clear, reliable explanations of how everything around us actually works. Through the flagship Web site HowStuffWorks. com, a popular series of books, an acclaimed kids' magazine, as well as many other ventures, the award-winning company has helped explain the world for millions of curious people. With thousands of articles, content features and illustrations populating ten different content channels, HowStuffWorks is updated daily and has something for everyone. Attracting several million unique users each month, HowStuffWorks. com has become a popular destination among an information-seeking audience interested in learning how just about anything works.
Ash Karbasfrooshan
Pressrelease@askmen. com
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