Horizon National Contract Services Deploys DefinedLogic Mobile Solution for more Efficient Quality Control
DefinedLogic, LLC, a company with a long track record of developing and deploying mission-critical solutions for enterprise customers, announces that Horizon National Contract Services, the countryÂ’s premier contract management and self-perform cleaning services company, has selected DefinedLogicÂ’s Mobile Solutions Methodology to facilitate the design and development of a custom mobile application to provide communication capabilities of Service Quality and Management Quality ratings in a more timely manner from the field.
West Long Branch, NJ (PRWEB) May 27, 2005
DefinedLogic, LLC, a company with a long track record of developing and deploying mission-critical solutions for enterprise customers, announces that Horizon National Contract Services, the countryÂ’s premier contract management and self-perform cleaning services company, has selected DefinedLogicÂ’s Mobile Solutions Methodology to facilitate the design and development of a custom mobile application to provide communication capabilities of Service Quality and Management Quality ratings in a more timely manner from the field. After going from concept to test within six weeks, Horizon National is complete with its initial pilot stage and has now rolled out the application nationwide.
Focusing on the retail, financial and healthcare industries, Horizon NationalÂ’s roster of clients include such leading retailers as the TJX Companies, Office Max, Home Depot, Toys R Us, Target, and Rite Aid. Since the company manages multi-state, multi-site facilities through a network of area managers and numerous on-site contract cleaning professionals located throughout the country, it is paramount to the success of the organization to maintain a steady flow of communication in a timely manner to and from the field.
Formed as a result of an acquisition in January 2003, Horizon National immediately began a review of its operations and found that the paper-based reporting process from the field was taking up to 45 days to complete. This meant that there could be significant lag time between an area managerÂ’s routine monthly site visit and when their findings finally reached corporate headquarters in Red Bank, NJ. As a result, this directly affected HorizonÂ’s ability to provide timely and accurate status updates to their customerÂ’s national headquarters on the cleanliness and overall presentation and appeal of their locations nationwide.
“When we made the acquisition in January, it was apparent to us that we had two parallel management models that weren’t integrated – our area managers in the field who were gathering data on individual customer locations and our corporate account managers in the home office who were required to report to customer executives with nationwide operational responsibilities,” said Kristen Bunnell, Executive Director, Horizon National Contract Services. “We began to explore ways to develop an internal management tool that would help us run the business in a more streamlined and efficient manner, which ultimately led us to mobility.”
During this time, DefinedLogic approached longtime partner and customer Broadbeam, a leader in delivering proven software to support and facilitate the rapid development and deployment of enterprise mobility solutions. Broadbeam was selected to provide the platform and middleware on which the solution would be built. DefinedLogic and the Broadbeam Corporation worked with Horizon National to assess their business processes from an information technology (IT) perspective and agreed that mobility would offer a means for the company to improve communication from the field. Since then, DefinedLogic has worked with Horizon National to develop a customized mobile application that is capable of transmitting information on a daily basis.
“We were looking at a relatively short turn around time between the initial concept and the timeframe for the test pilot with about six weeks, as well as a budget of $20,000 -- $25,000 to get the solution up and running,” stated Alex Shanley, Principal Analyst, DefinedLogic. “The overall experience of using the application needed to be powerful and user-friendly while still offering a low cost. We were able to bring the project from concept through deployment, fulfilling these goals, by following our proven methodology in developing enterprise-level mobility strategies and the technology to support them.”
The Bottom Line
Once a month, Horizon NationalÂ’s area managers conduct quality control visits to inspect the various locations within their region and meet with each siteÂ’s local management team. The Horizon National area manager and the customerÂ’s local management team are responsible for assigning the site a Service Quality Rating and a Management Quality Rating, which are based on a scale of one to five. These ratings serve to measure the performance of Horizon NationalÂ’s locally contracted cleaning professionals. This information is then communicated back to headquarters along with an action plan and rationale for following up with the siteÂ’s manager.
With the wireless solution fully deployed, Horizon NationalÂ’s area managers are able to document and transmit their findings directly from the device, which is cradled at the end of the day. This automated system alleviates the need to fax or mail the findings, which would then have to be manually entered into the system in order to compile a report for all the sites nationwide. Also, the end of day docking of the device in the cradle will compensate for any coverage issues that may exist throughout the country, which could preclude the report from being submitted wirelessly. Further, when the area manager returns to the site, he/she will be able to access the information from the previous visit on their handheld device.
“Essentially, the mobile solution will enable our internal management structure to be set up around the information that’s being transmitted from the field, which will consolidate our internal functions,” commented Bunnell. “For example, we currently perform about 6,000 quality control phone calls a month to make sure that all locations are satisfied with our service. When we have access to the findings from on-site visits in a timelier manner, we expect that about half of these will be eliminated. “
According to Bunnell, Horizon National expects to reach a return on their initial $100,000 investment within a year, which will occur through the consolidation of their internal management structure, resulting in greater efficiencies of time and increased productivity by freeing up staff members to focus on other issues.
About DefinedLogicÂ’s Mobile Solutions Methodology
DefinedLogicÂ’s mobile solutions methodology is a proven approach to successfully developing and deploying enterprise-level mobile applications. Focused on one goal, predictable results, the companyÂ’s methodology is grounded by its stressed importance of identifying key business drivers of workforce mobility prior to embarking on any technology decisions. The Mobile Solutions Methodology provides the structure necessary to ensure a successful and predictable project delivery, but remains flexible for use in all types of mobile application development including sales force automation, field service automation, work force management and route sales pick-up and delivery, among others.
About DefinedLogic
DefinedLogic, LLC (www. definedlogic. com) is the leader in developing and delivering proven technology solutions to enterprises that need their employees, customers and partners to be integrated into business processes. DefinedLogic offers highly experienced business analysts, project managers, designers, and developers to assist enterprises with completing projects on time, on budget and in line with their objectives. DefinedLogic prides itself in remaining technologically agnostic to provide its clients with the best unbiased advice and service available.