SnorEnder Proven Effective Snoring Relief: Used by Doctors Coast to Coast & US Troops in Iraq
The new SnorEnder Pro is being used by doctors to help reduce their own snoring. They are also recommending it to patients who can pass the “Nose Test.” The new SnorEnder is also in use by members of the US Armed Forces in Iraq. Snoring in a combat zone may not be just a nighttime inconvenience. The noise made by a snoring soldier can even give away a unit’s position and bring on an enemy attack. The SnorEnder snoring relief solution (www. snorender. com) is an effective, comfortable and low-cost aid that can help reduce or even stop chronic, loud snoring in many adults.
Summit, NJ (PRWEB) April 21, 2005
The new, patent pending SnorEnder TM is a new and uniquely effective integration of three proven snoring reduction technologies. It combines innovative bio-mechanical mouth and jaw support (to keep the mouth gently and firmly closed during sleep), subtle acupressure stimulation for stress reduction and improved well-being, and powerful magnetic therapy used by millions of athletes and sports celebrities worldwide.
Used and Recommended by Doctors
The SnorEnder is now used by doctors from coast to coast to help reduce or even stop their own loud non-apnea snoring at night. Many are even recommending the SnorEnder to their patients. If the SnorEnder is good enough for doctors to use themselves and to recommend to patients who can breathe easily through their nose, shouldnÂ’t you try it?
The new SnorEnder is worn comfortably, much like a fighter pilotÂ’s helmet liner, while sleeping by frequent, heavy snorers and may reduce their loud open-mouth snoring by as much as 60-80% or more. The new SnorEnder comes in 3 inexpensive models. Proven effective in nightly use by chronic, habitual, loud snorers throughout the US, it is now available at www. snorender. com.
Used by Troops in Iraq
The SnorEnder is also being used by members of the US Armed Forces in Iraq. Because so many US troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are members of Reserve units, the average age of Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force personnel is older than other wars America has fought. Not just young men and women serve our country today. Many of our troops in combat areas are in their 30's, 40's and even 50's.
The older you are, the more likely you will snore, especially under stress. Snoring in your bed at home may keep your spouse awake at night, and make you tired in the morning. But in a stressful combat situation like Iraq or Afghanistan, snoring may cause other troops to lose needed sleep. And that can get them killed. For our troops serving in harm's way, the SnorEnder comes in desert tan.
Snoring has also been known to cause soldiers hiding in camouflaged positions to be discovered by the enemy. Attacks on our troops have happened because they were discovered by noises made in the night. If the SnorEnder is good enough for our troops in combat, donÂ’t you think it can help you reduce or even stop the snoring in your bedroom? More information is available at www. snorender. com.
Breakthrough Snoring Reduction Technology
Acupressure and magnetic therapy have been used throughout Asia for more than 2,000 years to increase general health and well-being. The result of more than 5 years of original research and development by the SnorEnder team, the SnorEnder technology is a breakthrough in snoring management and dependable relief. It is the only snoring relief system that integrates these two proven snoring reduction technologies with advanced bio-mechanical jaw and mouth support. The patent-pending SnorEnder is designed to more effectively reduce or even stop most loud snoring, even when other snoring aids may not have provided the relief you need.
Snoring Epidemic
According to many leading healthcare, sleep and snoring specialists, including the U. S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), open-mouth, non-apnea snoring may be responsible for as much as 85% of all loud nightly snoring in adults age 35 or older, an estimated 55-70 million Americans. Many snoring experts say that if you want to stop the snoring, find an effective way to keep the mouth closed during sleep. But until now, keeping the mouth closed during the typical snorerÂ’s restless sleep has been a real challenge. Some popular snoring relief aids available today offer an average success rate of just 25-50%, according to a number of snoring experts. Not intended to treat sleep apnea. For more information, visit us on the Web at www. snorender. com.
Breakthrough Snoring Relief Solution
The new SnorEnder TM is a uniquely effective snoring relief system, invented by a team of scientists, healthcare professionals, and business executives – all of them loud, habitual snorers. The SnorEnder is engineered to help reduce or even stop loud habitual, non-apnea snoring, and it can be particularly helpful when other anti-snoring devices may not offer the consistent relief that loud snorers and their sleep partners need and expect. The new SnorEnder is inexpensive, comfortable, and effective, and it can now be ordered online through www. snorender. com.
About SynComm Group - SnorEnder
Located in the greater New York metropolitan area, SynComm Group is an energetic small business with experience in product development and engineering, sales and marketing, international business management and consulting in the information technology, communications R&D, financial services, pharmaceutical, and retail industries.
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