Searching for America's Biggest Procrastinator
A nationwide contest to find the person who procrastinates the most. Procrastination is a debilitating problem for millions of people and this contest will serve to bring attention to the issue, and help people to overcome their negative habits. The contest runs through March 15,2004 and the top prize winner will receive a 12-month coaching package to take control of their life.
(PRWEB) January 19, 2004
Weisman Success Resources, a Poughkeepsie, NY based success coaching company, today announced a national contest to find “America’s Biggest Procrastinator” to bring attention to this debilitating habit that has become an epidemic in this country.
The contest, which will run from January 15 through March 15 2004 is open to anyone interested in completing the entry form at www. AmericasBiggestProcrastinator. com.
Procrastination is a killer of hopes and dreams, self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth and costs companies millions of dollars in lost productivity every year. In addition, since most medical experts agree that 80% of all health issues are stress related, the stress created by continual procrastination is also causing considerable damage to the health of those afflicted with this debilitating habit.
“Just like other negative habits, procrastination is a learned behavior that develops over time and gets worse if not addressed early,” said Skip Weisman, principal of Weisman Success Resources, Inc. and the creator of the End Procrastination NOW! System. “I continue to be amazed at the lengths people will go to avoid getting things done by creating all sort of excuses and reasons instead of taking responsibility for their behavior.”
“I’m looking forward to this contest allowing me to learn even more about the affliction through the real life experiences of my contest entrants, so I can help even more people overcome this habit.”
All entries to the www. AmericasBiggestProcrastinator. com will receive a free downloadable package that includes the End Procrastination NOW! E-book, and a copy of the original self-help manual, written by James Allen, “As A Man Thinketh.”
The winner of the contest to find AmericaÂ’s Biggest Procrastinator will be announced in April 2004, and will receive a prize package valued at over $5000 including a 9-month End Procrastination NOW! Coaching package from Weisman Success Resources, Inc., a 3-month contract with a Monica Ricci of Catalyst Organizing
( www. CatalystOrganizing. com ), and other gifts to keep the winner on track and motivated.
For more information, and to schedule an interview, call Skip Weisman at 845-463-3838 or send an e-mail to skip@AmericasBiggestProcrastinator. com.
Contact: Skip Weisman
January 15, 2004 845-463-3838
E-mail: skip@AmericasBiggestProcrastinator. com