Ex In The City - New Website for Dumped, Deserted, Dynamic Divorcees
Empowering Women to move from EX to EXtraordinary!
(PRWEB) June 2, 2004
A new category of woman has emerged. On their own, they are in a state of fundamental redefinition, change and transformation. EX-wives, EX mothers, EX workers, EX believers, EX wealthy, EX young, They are “EX in the City”, and it’s often EX without the Sex. Heaven help you if you are over 60 - then you are invisible, nearly EXtinct!!
A new website has just launched, http://www. exinthecity. com targeting women of all ages, who find themselves in state of “EX”. The site offers resources, support, community, and practical tools for dealing with this EXodus which leads to self actualization and reinvention.
The site is aimed at women in one of the Five Stages of “EX”.
1. EXILE – The first state of EX usually involves some kind of physical exile from the world. You feel EXposed, EXhausted, Excluded. Often there is the terror or re-engagement with people. This is a necessary internalization, facing the demons of the past and preparing for the road ahead.
2. EXPRESS - This is the stage where the reality of loss has sunk in and anger has sunk in. There is a need to talk things through, whine, moan, complain and share.
3. EXORCISE – All the transition points in one’s life create a need to Exorcise the demon of familiarity and predictability and comfort. There is an addictive, frantic element to letting go of the past. It forces us to deal with the addiction, find healthy substitutes and move onward.
4. EXPLORE – This is a time of re-emergence, discovery, and a quest for truth. It’s time to start a new career, get educated, take a trip round the world or a walk alone to the local park. Small steps and victories are the key.
5. EXHALE – After some time of panic, fear and worry the time comes to breathe! To say OK, life is tough, I face new challenges, but I am moving ON with my life, on my terms. This is the time of great power and possibility. You are off life support and breathing on your own!! The oxygen mask has been firmly on for days, weeks or months and its time to help others.
Margaret Manning~ margaretmanning@hotmail. com or 425-922-9686
Http://www. exinthecity. com
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