Launch of Continuing Professional Development Cognitive Behaviour Therapies & Hypnosis Certificate Courses
The Centre for Postgraduate Studies & Research Ltd has launched a Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapies and Hypnosis. This coincides with the NICE guidelines on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapies in dealing with PTSD and the reference to investment in behavioural therapies in the Labour Party manifesto.
(PRWEB) May 6, 2005
The Centre for Postgraduate Studies & Research Ltd has launched a range of continuing professional development programmes for health and caring professionals with a focus on cognitive behaviour therapies and hypnosis and cognitive hypnotherapy.
The launch of this course coincides with the announcement this year from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) into the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. It also supports the reference made in the current Labour Party manifesto to invest in behavioural therapies to address mental health disorders.
Professor Stephen Palmer PhD, the Course Director of Centre for Postgraduate Studies & Research Ltd, says; “cognitive behaviour therapy can be a very effective way to help people with a wide range of conditions including post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and even those who are suicidal”.
“Hypnosis used as an adjunct to cognitive behaviour therapy can increase the effectiveness of the therapy and the rate of attrition for clients experiencing many of the conditions listed above. We are very excited about the launch of the new Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapies and Hypnosis programme, and hope it will provide health and caring professionals with additional techniques to help their clients”.
For additional information on the Certificate courses in Cognitive Hypnotherapy, or cognitive behaviour therapy, contact Kate Thomas or visit www. studiesandresearch. com.