Could Meditation Be The Solution for Recovering Addicts?
It's not a coincidence that people that meditate live longer, healthier, and have far less addiction problems.
(PRWEB) September 11, 2003
Could it be so simple as being more aware? Rahasya & Dhara say the answer is yes. “Seldom, if ever”, says Rahasya, “has anyone set out to consciously destroy their life”. It’s the decisions we make unconsciously that most often guides our lives, and is reflected back to us later by statements like, “What was I thinking?” or “If I only knew what I was doing”. The point is that we do not think consciously, otherwise we would make better decisions.
Their background and training spans the globe, everywhere from India, England, and Germany, to Brazil and the USA. Dhara with over 20 years of meditation experience and training, and Rahasya, with a wide variety of experience, and more recently, counseling adolescence going through drug and alcohol recovery using meditation and relaxation techniques, culminating in the writing of a book on the subject and co-authored with his wife Dhara. The 12 Spiritual Laws of Recovery & Meditations for The 12 Step Program is available at online bookstores. You can also order the book through their web site and learn a little more about the authors. http://www. SpirituaLight. com (http://www. SpirituaLight. com)
Rahasya & Dhara presently reside in Chico, CA. When asked what they wanted to accomplish in Chico, they stated that they want to work with local organizations in and around the Chico area to establish a meditation center that would offer a wide variety of meditations for the public, accepting donations at the door, and with no one turned away. The main thrust of the meditations would be towards helping the youth in the area develop more consciousness through movement in “Dance Meditations”. It’s also an excellent tool for increasing creativity for writers, dancers, actors, and anyone else that wants more intuition and creativity. This type of meditation, using movement to create more awareness, has a long history that has created therapies such as Bioenergetics, somatics, and many more. Most of the meditations can be found in their book.
When asked what these meditations are like, they stated that to say what it’s like would be like telling someone who never tasted chocolate what it tastes like. Likewise, deep profound inner awareness is something that needs to be experienced from within yourself to “know” what it is, any other explanation would be misleading at best. To purchase their book or for more information about Rahasya and Dhara, and what they are doing locally, you can visit their website at www. SpirituaLight. com or email them at SpirituaLight@chico. com