Healing Bodies one Touch at a time
Enter the New Age of Energy Manipulation and Healing
(PRWEB) January 21, 2003
Press Release, 20/Jan/03
My Dear friendly health Editor,
Your readerÂ’s will be pleased to know; now they can have access to vital information from the new age of energy work and healing.
In this new book by Jay North, The Gift of Touch; your readerÂ’s will find new data on healing that could very possibly help change and improve their lives. They will appreciate seeing the book mentioned in your publication and we will appreciate any mention you give to The Gift of Touch.
We are very happy to send free review copies of the book to the press via e-mail. It is our (environmental) desire to save treeÂ’s that we are offering review copies via email; we will however comply to request for hard copies. Please forward all request to
Marketing IntÂ’l, 805-646-2425 or Jaynorthis1@aol. com
Thank you in advance Christi Wilson
PR, continued
Marketing International
402 W Ojai Ave. PMB 146
Ojai, CA 93023
Phone: (805) 646-2425
Email: Jaynorthis1@aol. com
January 20, 2003
Press release,
Changing Lives and Healing Bodies One Touch at a Time
Ojai, CALIFORNIA - Recently, new discoveries on the healing powers of massage therapy, energy manipulation and therapeutic touch have made news all over the U. S., and indeed, the world. What had been considered “alternative” therapies are now gaining popularity in the mainstream.
Author and therapist Jay North has written a new book, The Gift of Touch, to address these new findings and cover the issues of Healing, Body Work and Light Work for both the beginner and professional therapist.
JayÂ’s first introduction to massage therapy was in 1968. He took a basic course in massage, primarily dealing with the scalp, face, hands and feet. In 1970, Jay studied at the Santa Monica School of Massage, where he received his certification as a massage therapist. He then completed advanced training with Greta Schmidt of Germany, whose specialty is sports injury therapeutic massage.
In the years to follow, he pursued education in reflexology, Do`~ In and Shiatsu and became proficient in Reiki levels one and two.
In 1990, he began is study of herbal medicine under the tutelage of a shaman of the Blackfeet Indian Tribe in Northwest Montana. His interest in the healing arts has spanned over 30 years, in which he has read over 1,500 books on topics such as philosophy, physiology, spirituality, energy work and related fields.
The Gift of Touch has been a work in progress since 1976, when his first book on the topic, Advanced Breakthroughs in Massage Therapy, was published. The Gift of Touch delves into new and relevant discoveries made from 1996-2002.
Jay also has experience in organic farming, which gives him a deep respect for the earth and its healing powers.
In peopleÂ’s search for healing, happiness and a complete opening to a fully conscience experience, the data in this book will be useful and helpful. Many people have deemed it to be accurate and amazingly helpful in their quest for health and vitality.
An autographed manuscript edition of The Gift of Touch is only $14.95 plus $4.95 S&H. A 30% discount is available to schools and organizations ordering 10 or more copies. The book comes with a 100% money-back guarantee if people are not completely satisfied. Anyone interested in ordering a copy of The Gift of Touch can send $19.90 includes S&H to Marketing IntÂ’l 402 W. Ojai Ave. pmb 146-P Ojai, Ca. 93023
Continued information for the Editor, more data for your readerÂ’s
Therapeutic touch for health and bodywork has been around for thousands of years and, as Jay North—author, social activist, entrepreneur, organic farmer, practitioner of healing arts—believes (with opened memory) for billions of years.
The Gift of Touch is an exciting new work intended to aid those seeking relief, improvement and change in their quest for a more pleasurable life and the evolution of humankind. The Gift of Touch is intended to motivate readers to initiate positive changes in diet and physical activity that can result in improved physical, mental and emotional well being—and in an overall lighter experience.
Jay believes that healing practitioners throughout the world have a unique opportunity through contact with fellow beings to assist in the orchestration of change so that a shift in consciousness may occur. JayÂ’s premise is that simply through the art of systematically touching and handling the bodyÂ’s energies, lives can be dramatically improved.
The focus of this book is the manipulation of energy FLOWS. Energy is what creates and holds in place the material we collectively refer to as reality. When energy flows smoothly and evenly, the body operates at its optimum level. An in-bodied being operating at optimum level equates into a calm, vital, productive, happy individual in harmony with self and other beings, including plants and animals.
But energy in and around the body tends to get locked up due to many factors: injuries, trauma, drug and alcohol use, breaks, strains and so on. Locked or blocked energy is what tends to foul things up in the body and mind. In this book, Jay North reveals how energy in and around the body can be freed up to flow and to be of optimum use and value.
This comprehensive book is filled with interesting facts as well as step-by-step instruction in a variety of healing techniques, covering everything from esoteric concepts such as karma cleansing to basics such as how to give a Swedish massage, (the most widely used and accepted modality in massage therapy throughout the world today),
Jay explores the release of entities (some call them ghosts; others entities, mechanisms, implants, the devil, etc.). JayÂ’s vast experience in the healing arts confirms that no matter what we label them, there is the existence of energies that are not ours, and he explores this topic with insight and his ever-present humor.
The Gift of Touch also delves into the areas of nutrition, fasting, standing meditation, group healing sessions, romantic love, massage for babies, and Native American sweat lodges.
There is an entire chapter devoted to sexuality and sensual massage. Jay asserts that a healthy sex life is one of the most healing therapies for well-being and overall happiness. He states: “Sex is one of the highest degrees of the expression of love we will ever find. For thousands of years, nations, cultures and individuals have designed all sorts of interesting techniques for expressing love and sexuality with one another. Sensual massage does more than just relieve tension… it is spirituality—the act itself, it is two people coupling in order to bring pleasure into this life experience for and with each other.” This Chapter is for couple’s not Therapist and their clients.
There are many books on Healing on the market. What is NEW is a book that increases readers’ ability to be in oneness and to experience oneness in their daily experience of life here on this plane. The Gift of Touch techniques are intended to aid in the quest for beingness and oneness by removing the blocks to oneness. “Our basic path is to return to who we truly are, nothing and everything, aware that we are the creators, temporarily, mistakenly separated from the one that created what we are in order to experience who and why.”
In the chapter entitled “Rites of Passage,” Jay covers the topic of assisted dying with sensitivity and perception, examining how a healing practitioner can ease the transition from this plane to the next.
As Jay succinctly sums up his book: “The purpose of this work is to free people from their minds and allow them the opportunity to expand into a world of Love, Peace and Joy—a world without the need for wars, without insanity, ignorance, compulsion to control or destroy. A world where man/womankind can live freely without the negativity of judgments and projections; where the only standing order of the day is one of goodwill and that you have a truly wondrous day filled with prosperity and joy. The Gift of Touch is real and is powerful.”
The world needs this book. Mayo Morley