Essential Oil Mosquito Repellents “Nothing New”
Although the Centers for Disease Control are only just now recommending mosquito repellents made from essential oils, theyÂ’ve been around and working extremely well for over 10 years.
Eugene, OR (PRWEB) June 8, 2005
After years of promoting DEET as the best mosquito repellent, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have added new recommendations that include the oil of lemon eucalyptus. But essential oils are nothing new to those who donÂ’t like using harsh chemicals.
In fact, repellents made from essential oils have been available for ten years through outdoor and natural product shops. Sold under various brands such as Buzz Away, Natrapel and All Terrain, these repellents are available in spray, lotion, towelette and even candle form.
How well do they work compared to the new CDC recommendations? Several studies show that Buzz Away, which counts Lemongrass, Eucalyptus and Citronella Oils among its ingredients, is extremely effective. James Heal, who headed up a field study conducted at the University of Guelph, in Ontario, Canada wrote, "The protection provided by Buzz Away is not statistically different from protection provided by Off! (a DEET-based repellent)." In addition, ABC's Prime Time Live news magazine and Good Housekeeping Magazine found Buzz Away to be the most effective natural repellent they tested.
Apparently, consumers agree. Buzz Away is the number one brand in natural product stores, with more than twice the sales of the number two brand. Setting it apart from most other natural brands is the fact that it is EPA registered and can state on the label that it “Repels mosquitoes that may carry West Nile Virus.” (see www. quantumhealth. com for more information).
Plant oil based repellents work on a simple principal. The term mosquito repellent” is actually a misnomer. Mosquitoes are not really “repelled” by either essential oils or DEET; instead, a ‘repellent’ masks the attractants on the body so that mosquitoes have a difficult time finding their prey. And, of course, repellents do not kill mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes can sense us from as far as 50 yards away. They are attracted to the Carbon Dioxide that we release when breathing and the lactic acid in our sweat. The less a person sweats, the fewer bites heÂ’ll get. Mosquitoes are also attracted by various soaps, skin lotions, deodorants and cosmetics.
Essential oils effectively mask these attractants, which is why Buzz Away is so effective at repelling mosquitoes. Buzz Away contains the oils of Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Citronella, Cedarwood and Peppermint. It is available in spray and towelette form for easy use on children and available in the US and in Canada.
More Mosquito Control Tips:
Get rid of standing water around the house - mosquitoes can breed there. Put holes in the bottom of containers that are left outdoors. Turn over plastic pools or other water containers when not in use. Clean out birdbaths and clogged roof gutters. Clean and chlorinate swimming pools that are not in use. If you have livestock, thoroughly clean their troughs every month. Avoid the outdoors at dusk, in the early evening or at dawn when mosquitoes are heaviest. If you are outdoors during those times, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Bear in mind that mosquitoes can bite through thin cloth.
Quantum, Inc. — Natural Products That Make a Difference —Quantum is a natural product company founded in 1981 that specializes in unique formulations designed to help people feel and look their best. Key categories include cold sore and canker sore treatments, cold and flu relief, natural insect repellents, head lice treatments, skin care and immune support. Based in Eugene, OR, Quantum’s makes over 50 products which are distributed throughout the United States and Canada and on the Internet. For more information, call toll-free at 1-800-448-1448 or visit www. quantumhealth. com.
Contact: David Shaw 310-313-4799 for information
Download Hi-Rez images at: http://www. quantumhealth. com/buzz. htm (http://www. quantumhealth. com/buzz. htm)
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