Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spores, Plagues, and History: The Story of Anthrax, by Dr. Chris Holmes is now available

Spores, Plagues, and History: The Story of Anthrax, by Dr. Chris Holmes is now available.

A book about the history of anthrax for the general reader is here. Anthrax can be manufactured in a bathtub. Just because we haven't found anthrax in Iraq does not in any way mean anthrax won't be used in future warfare. Of the fourteen diseases that have transferred from animal to humans, nine have been used in warfare. The more the public knows about the history of anthrax the calmer they will be when it is used for warfare again, 'if' no longer being an option.

(PRWEB) November 6, 2003





Chris Holmes, M. D., M. S.P. H. / Escondido, California

ISBN: 193.07.544.50

  This book is much more than the story of a microbe. It is the tale of a disease which has been both a part of, and a maker of, human history from biblical times to the present.

  The opening three chapters review the anthrax cases of October-November, 2001 and the status of the hunt for the terrorist, and briefly describe the signs and symptoms of the disease. Next, chapters on the Ten Plagues of ancient Egypt, the Plague of Athens in 430 B. C., and the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B. C. make the case that anthrax was the principal culprit in those history-altering calamities. Equally startling is the argument that the medieval epidemic known as the Black Death, usually ascribed to bubonic plague, was mostly due to anthrax as well.

  Chapters on Robert Koch, who discovered bacillus anthracis, Louis Pasteur, who created a vaccine against it, and Woolsorter's disease, the first anthrax epidemic to be systematically studied with the new discipline of epidemiology, bring the story to the end of anthrax as a naturally-occurring disease and begin its tale as a biological weapon.

  It is unimagineable that any rational society would intentionally unleash a disease like this. But starting with the Japanese in World War II, that is exactly what happened. And not only were these new bioweapons produced in mass quantities, they were engineered to be resistant to antibiotics, more virulent, and more easily disseminated.

  The last third of the book describes the Cold War biological weapon programs of the U. S. and the Soviet Union. When the U. S. finally dismantled its program in 1972 -- to comply with the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention -- the Soviets saw this as a golden opportunity. Under the innocuous sounding name of their program, Biopreparat, they perfected the industrialization and weaponization of anthrax, plague, botulinum toxin, smallpox and other agents. But they paid a price for it; the outbreak of an epidemic of inhalation anthrax in the Siberian town of Sverdlovsk in 1972. A chapter is devoted to this 'Biological Chernobyl.'

  Another chapter describes how Saddam Hussein's bioweapons program began as an international effort, with seed cultures from the U. S. and equipment and supplies from Russia and Europe. Iraq's arsenal -- documented by the UNSCOM inspections of 1991, 1996 and 1998 -- is described in detail.

  Are we facing a biological Armageddon? No, it is not hopeless. And we are not helpless. The final chapter describes recent efforts to prepare for a future biological attack. CDC, in particular, has provided training for medical personnel to recognize bioweapon diseases, for labs to diagnose these diseases faster, for better communications among public health agencies, and for stockpiles of vaccines and antibiotics. Realistic drills testing the new preparedness are marginally reassuring. And the same technology used to create these weapons is being used to provide new ways to defeat them through better vaccines and improved antibiotics.

  Though intended for the general, interested reader rather than the scholar, this book was carefully researched. Ten pages of references list some of the chief sources, and sixteen illustrations highlight important features of the story. The 'Foreword,' by a distinguished, practicing epidemiologist, gives the larger view of the work: it is 'a tale of history and prophecy woven into a fabric of what was, what might have been and what might yet be.'


ANTHRAX! SMALLPOX! PLAGUE! Until recently, most Americans were unfamiliar with these terms or assumed they were a part of history. The October, 2001 anthrax cases catapulted this condition into the headlines and the minds of many. What are the agents and the illnesses they cause? How worried should we be and what can we do to protect ourselves? With new infectious diseases emerging and old ones resurfacing, the challenge of early detection, containment and prevention is urgent.

Dr. Chris Holmes has written a provocative, engrossing book that offers the general reader the answers to these questions. 'Spores, Plagues and History' follows the trail of anthrax from prebiblical times to the present. The reader gains an appreciation for the challenge early investigators faced in responding to clusters of illness when the cause was not known. 'Spores, Plagues and History' also provides a highly readable, authoritative perspective of the role other infectious agents have played in world history.

Michele Ginsberg, Chief of Community Epidemiology

HHSA, San Diego County, California


Bioterrorism Books Published:

'Spores, Plagues, and History: The Story of Anthrax' & 'The Medusa Strain'

(Both Books Published by Durban House based in Dallas, Texas)

Http://www. durbanhouse. com (http://www. durbanhouse. com)

A native of Canada, Chris Holmes received his M. D. from the University of Cincinnati's College of Medicine and served in the Air Force during Vietnam. After stints in private practice and academia, he became a Navy physician and has studied extensively nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. He led the medical team aboard the USS Tripoli during the 1992 U. S. intervention in Somalia.

Captain Holmes, MC, USN (Ret.) has been studying the history of medicine for over 35 years. He is the author of two books dealing with Anthrax. He is a physician, epidemiologist, an authority on disease and bio-warfare past and present, and is arguably the world's leading authority on the history of anthrax. Dr. Holmes has taught at medical schools, has published many scholarly articles, and is certified in submarine and diving medicine with the U. S. Navy, just to survey some of his extraordinary experience.

His Op-EdÂ’s have appeared in newspapers from San Diego to Tennessee, and he has been interviewed on radio talk-shows from San Francisco to Boston. Dr. Holmes has also appeared on Fox News with Mr. John Gibson, being interviewed about monkeypox and infectious diseases and on XETV in San Diego, being interviewed on Fox in the Morning about anthrax and bioterrorism.



1. Holmes, C: "Ampicillin and Neutropenia in Childhood", presented to the Annual Meeting of

The Society of Air Force Physicians, Biloxy, Mississippi, February, 1971.

2. Holmes, C: "A somatic Interpretation of the Psychiatry of Benjamin Rush", presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Detroit, May 1967.

3. Holmes, C: "Toward the Measurement of Primary Care", presented to the Biannual Meeting of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, San Diego, California, May 1978.

4. Holmes, C: "Health-What It Is and How It Can Be Measured," presented at the Second Annual Conference of Physicians Assistants, Snowbird, Utah, August 1978.

5. Holmes, C: 'The Health Hazard Appraisal,' presented at the Eighth Annual Family Practice Refresher Course, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, February 12-15, 1970.

6. Holmes, C and Olsen, D: 'Delphi Process for MSCM Curriculum Review.' presented at the Biannual Meeting of the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine, New Orleans, April 1979 (presented by Dr. Olsen).

7. Holmes, C: 'The Environmental Impact of Energy Conservation.' Three hour workshop sponsored by the American College of Preventive Medicine and the American Public Health Association at the APHA annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, October 31, 1981. Workshop Chairman.

8. Holmes, C and Capello, C: ''Smoking, Smoking-Related Diseases, and Stop-Smoking Methods.' One-day conference held at Naval Regional Medical Center, San Diego, California, October 20, 1981. Conference Co-chairman.

9. Holmes, C: 'Getting a Program in Biomedical Ethics Stated in a School of Public Health.' American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, October 14-18, 1982.

10. Holmes, C and Morris, L: 'The Health Hazard Appraisal, A Useful Health Evaluation Tool or a Sorcerer's Apprentice?' Arentzen Clinical Nursing Symposium, San Diego, California, November 17-19, 1982. Workshop Co-Chairman.

11. Thomas, R, Goff, G, Pon, E, Childers, L, Gady, H, Holmes, C: 'PCB exposure Follow-up Study, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.' Poster Session at the Thirtieth Navy Occupational Health and Preventive Mediclne Workshop, Virginia Beach, Virginia. 26 February - 3 March 1988.

12. Holmes, C: NiOSH-approved spirometry instructor for spirometry course

13. Holmes, C: 'Aids in the Workplace,' Hawaii Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 25-27, 1988.

14. Holmes, C: Chairman of course entitled, 'Reproductive Toxicology and Medical Surveillance for the Pregnant Worker.' Presented at 31 st Navy Occuaptional Health and Preventive Medicine Workshop, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 1989.

15. Holmes, C: 'Reproductive Toxicology and Medical Surveillance for the Pregnant Worker.' Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Armed Forces District ACOG/NAACOG Conference, Washington, D. C., November 7, 1989.

16. Holmes, C: 'Bioethical Decision-Making in Occupational Medicine,' Western Occupational Medical Society Meeting, Monterey, California, October, 1995.

17. Holmes, C: 'Bioethical Decision-Making and Confidentiality of Information in Occupational Medicine,' United Auto Workers/General Motors Health and Safety Conference, Palm Springs, California, January, 1996.



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Fitness Expert Shares Advice for Reaching Long-Term Weight-Loss Goals

Fitness Expert Shares Advice for Reaching Long-Term Weight-Loss Goals

Founder and CEO of Physique Transformation offers advice for maintaining a successful fitness program.

Colorado Springs, Colo. (PRWEB) March 13, 2007

Starting and maintaining a new fitness and diet routine can be tough. Even for those who actually do it, weight loss (http://www. physiquetransformation. com/ChangeYourShape. php) is still not guaranteed. Without the proper education and guidance, dieters can even end up hurting themselves in the long run.

A professional caliber fat-loss program must have three elements to be successful on a long-term basis: education, structure and accountability. Physique Transformation, a comprehensive online program, offers tools that provide these three key components to create and maintain a successful weight loss and fitness plan.

"Most diets fail because they teach the user nothing about how to play the weight loss game," said Ric Rooney, chief executive officer of Physique Transformation.

"I believe that's intentional," said Rooney. "The commercial weight loss companies know the odds are very high that as soon as the client leaves the unsustainable routine of low calories and excessive cardio, the weight will come right back -- and so will the client."

With a traditional program of reduced calories and high cardiovascular activity, a dieter can lose as much muscle as fat. Their overall shape doesn't change significantly. "If the client was a pear shape to begin with, they're just a slightly smaller pear shape at the end of a traditional diet program," said Rooney. "The Physique Transformation process is all about shape, beauty and symmetry. It's about what the mirror reflects back to the dieter, rather then a number on a scale."

Physique Transformation's program is specially geared to maintain muscle mass over the long term while continuing to metabolize body fat. "Only the right combination of cardiovascular activity and resistance training, combined with the right diet, will jumpstart the weight loss process," Rooney said.

In a healthy weight loss program (http://www. physiquetransformation. com/ChangeYourShape. php), a man should expect to lose about two pounds of body fat every week, and a woman about one and a half pounds, according to Rooney. While this may seem slower than a crash diet, the reality is that a short-term weight-loss diets are often difficult to maintain over a long period of time. "In the long run, they are more likely to leave a person heavier than when the dieting started," said Rooney.

The Physique Transformation Web site, www. physiquetransformation. com, offers many tools and resources that dieters can use to achieve and sustain their long-term results. One of the tools that is ideal for long-term use is the Personal Food Analyst, which offers customizable dieting software that allows users to track their diets and guide their food and exercise choices.

About Physique Transformation

Physique Transformation is a professional caliber process used and refined over generations by fitness athletes and contestants whose only criteria for success is the quality of their physique. Through the use of the company's various, unique offerings, Physique Transformation (http://www. physiquetransformation. com/ChangeYourShape. php) gives complete instruction and guidance on how to transform one's physique, achieve desired results and do it within a specific timeframe.

Physique Transformation is first and foremost about telling it like it is when it comes to getting in shape. It's about accepting the reality that there is no glory without effort. The primary focus is on diet as the primary tool to get its users fit.

Xeal Precision Marketing Professional Press Release Advertising (http://www. xeal. com)


Sports and Hospitality Leader Honors Late Brother with $10 Million Medical Research Gift

Sports and Hospitality Leader Honors Late Brother with $10 Million Medical Research Gift

Jeremy M. Jacobs, chairman and CEO of hospitality and food service provider Delaware North Companies and owner of the Boston Bruins hockey team, has donated $10 million to the University at Buffalo, the largest gift ever to the state university. It will establish the Jacobs Institute, which will support research and clinical collaboration on the causes, treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases. Jacobs' gift honors his late brother, Dr. Lawrence D. Jacobs, who was chairman of the Department of Neurology at UB's medical school and was credited with breakthrough research in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Buffalo, New York (PRWEB) June 13, 2008

The University at Buffalo announced today a $10 million gift from Jeremy M. Jacobs, his wife, Margaret, and family to establish the Jacobs Institute, which will support research and clinical collaboration on the causes, treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

The gift was made in honor of Lawrence D. Jacobs, M. D., a world-renowned medical pioneer and the late brother of Jeremy Jacobs. Lawrence Jacobs was chair of the Department of Neurology in UB's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and chief of neurology at Buffalo General Hospital at the time of his death. He was perhaps best known by the world and the medical community for his successful breakthroughs in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

This gift will fund the retention and recruitment of world-class researchers, educators and clinicians to the University at Buffalo and to the Western New York heath-care community.

Jeremy Jacobs is chairman and CEO of Delaware North Companies, a worldwide leader in hospitality and one of the largest privately held companies in North America. Jacobs owns the Boston Bruins and is chairman of the National Hockey League's board of governors.

Jacobs is also chairman of the UB Council, an alumnus of the UB School of Management and a long-time philanthropic leader.

The Jacobs' gift is the largest single gift ever to UB and makes the Jacobs family the university's most generous donor, with gifts totaling $18.4 million. This historic $10 million gift to UB demonstrates the Jacobs family's confidence in UB's ability to greatly enhance the quality of life and economic prosperity of the Western New York community through groundbreaking medical research and the resulting economic impact of its research.

"I support the vision of bringing the brightest minds together in one place to focus on clinical care, research and teaching with an entrepreneurial spirit to solve challenging problems. It is my hope that this gift will help provide an avenue for establishing Buffalo as a world-class center for state-of-the-art research, treatment and teaching in the areas of vascular and heart diseases. With the collaboration of the Jacobs Institute, UB and Kaleida Health, we have the opportunity to dramatically change health care in Western New York for the better," said Jacobs.

The gift is dependent upon the building of a dedicated facility to be the center of excellence in cardiology, vascular disease and neurology. The gift challenges UB, Kaleida, the Jacobs Institute and other community organizations to work together to bring the vision to reality.

The cutting-edge work of researchers, educators and clinicians recruited by the Jacobs Institute will greatly enhance the research and education programs of UB's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, putting the UB medical school on the map with other major medical research institutions regionally and nationally.

In praising the generosity and vision of Jeremy and Margaret Jacobs, UB President John B. Simpson said the gift will produce research, education and clinical-care synergies that are essential for major advancements in health care.

"The commitment from Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and family is significant on a number of levels," Simpson said. "First, this is a powerful example of how our community can work together to both nurture and attract world-class medical research to Western New York. Second, it demonstrates a commitment to reinventing our community to be competitive in the 21st century.

"The gift also is an extraordinary endorsement of the goals of UB 2020, our plan to transform the university while also improving our region's quality of life," Simpson added. "Recruitment and retention of talented researchers, educators and clinicians is critical to our goal to produce groundbreaking medical research that will have a transformative effect on health care and generate economic benefits that can only come from the work of our nation's best research universities. On behalf of UB, we thank the Jacobs family for their generosity and unwavering community spirit."

The Jacobs gift will also be the catalyst for a community-wide effort to raise additional funds needed to build and support creation of a Global Vascular Center on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. The center will be a first-of-its-kind, multi-dimensional medical institute focused on the full spectrum of vascular health care, and will bring together physicians, researchers and educators to address heart and vascular diseases.

Similar university-research and clinical collaborations in Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Minneapolis have produced renowned centers of medical excellence that have dramatically improved health care in those regions while generating tremendous economic benefits.

James R. Kaskie, president and CEO of Kaleida Health, said the generosity of the Jacobs family is an important first step to developing community-wide support to enhance Kaleida Health's strong clinical plan by integrating research and teaching through the targeted recruitment and support of world-class faculty and clinicians.

"Kaleida Health is investing $80 million to go along with the $65 million in state funding to integrate the Millard Fillmore Gates Circle and Buffalo General Hospitals onto the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus," Kaskie said. "This historic investment, a physician-led initiative, will create the clinical engine for our community. On behalf of the 10,000 Kaleida Health employees, we thank the Jacobs family for their commitment to building a better health-care-delivery model for Western New York."

The Jacobs family has long provided philanthropic leadership in the Buffalo Niagara region. Pamela Jacobs Vogt, wife of the late renowned neurologist Lawrence D. Jacobs, M. D., noted: "Since Larry died in 2001, we have been looking for a suitable tribute to him and his work. The creation of the Jacobs Institute will radically improve health care, research and teaching in Western New York and is a fitting tribute to his life, his work and his memory."

Jeremy Jacobs and the Jacobs family have long invested in higher education, providing significant financial support for a number of UB's most important academic initiatives. The Jacobs family has funded scholarships for exceptional undergraduates in the UB Honors College, provided financial aid to female student-athletes, and created flexible funds for innovation and special needs. In the mid-1980s, Jacobs gave more than $1 million to help fund two academic chairs and support a UB School of Management MBA program in China, the first academic partnership between an American university and that evolving nation. A School of Management building on UB's North Campus bears the Jacobs family name, in honor of his longstanding generosity.

In 2000, Jacobs donated the architectural landmark Butler Mansion to UB for use as a continuing education and training facility. Renamed the Jacobs Executive Development Center by the university, the building has been used for business education and has become an important regional presence for the university.

The University at Buffalo is a premier research-intensive public university, a flagship institution in the State University of New York system and its largest and most comprehensive campus. UB's more than 28,000 students pursue their academic interests through more than 300 undergraduate, graduate and professional degree programs. Founded in 1846, the University at Buffalo is a member of the Association of American Universities.

Kaleida Health is the largest health care provider in Western New York. More than 1 million patient visits are recorded annually at the Buffalo General Hospital, DeGraff Memorial Hospital, Millard Fillmore Gates Circle Hospital, Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital, Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo, plus the health system's 97 clinics and community health care centers. It also includes the Deaconess Center and Waterfront long-term care facilities, plus the nation's oldest -- and original -- Visiting Nursing Association. Kaleida Health's economic impact on Western New York exceeds $2.2 billion annually.

Delaware North Companies is one of the world's leading hospitality and food service providers. Its family of companies includes Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts, Delaware North Companies Gaming & Entertainment, Delaware North Companies Travel Hospitality Services, Delaware North Companies Sportservice, Delaware North Companies International and Delaware North Companies Boston, owner of TD Banknorth Garden. Delaware North Companies is one of the largest privately held companies in the United States with revenues exceeding $2 billion annually and 40,000 associates serving half a billion customers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. For more information, visit http://www. DelawareNorth. com.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Telextreme to Launches New Phone Service Voip World Wide Calling Package

Telextreme to Launches New Phone Service Voip World Wide Calling Package

Voice over Internet phone is becoming the wave of the future. This new technology is easy to set up and use. It will become an everyday household item very soon.

(PRWEB) July 29, 2005

For years you’ve seen written messages through the Internet with email. Now you can do the same thing with your voice messages. Voip is the new way to make and receive phone calls. Your broadband telephone service converts your calls into data and zips through high-speed Internet connection. The big advantage is that you can call anywhere in the world at anytime for less money. Your broadband phone service works with any touch-tone phone, corded, or cordless. The person your calling doesn’t need to have voip either they don’t even have to have an Internet connection. voip is the way of the future.

About TelExtreme

TelExtreme is a division of BodyExtreme, Inc, a privately held debt-free corporation located in Boise, Idaho USA. BodyExtreme began operations in 1997 offering a low cost home business opportunity marketing a full line and nutrition, wellness and homeopathic products. In 2004, BodyExtreme began to expand its strategy to deliver health and vitality to people around the world by launching a new division, TelExtreme, to market the incredible new technology of Broadband Telephone Service. They have done this by making it easy and affordable to communicate around the world through their(Voice over Internet Phone) services.

More information on Teleextreme can be found at:

Http://www. automatedrecruiting. com (http://www. automatedrecruiting. com)
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Patients Beyond Borders Malaysia Edition to Launch in July

Patients Beyond Borders Malaysia Edition to Launch in July

New guide to showcase Malaysia's world-class medical facilities

Chapel Hill, NC (PRWEB) April 14, 2009

Healthy Travel Media and the Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia (APHM) jointly announce the launch of the Patients Beyond Borders: Malaysia Edition, to be published in English for international distribution. The Malaysia Edition will be formally launched on 21 July at the APHM/ASQua/ISQua Conference and Exhibition 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Produced in collaboration with Malaysia's Tourism Ministry and supported by hospitals and related private organizations, the 240-page guidebook will feature 16 pages of color inserts and offer an in-depth overview of Malaysia's 20+ international hospitals, selected health travel agents, nearby recovery and guest accommodations, and area travel information.

"Located centrally between Singapore and Thailand and with some of the best healthcare in Asia, Malaysia receives visitors from more than 30 countries throughout the region and the world," says Healthy Travel Media CEO Josef Woodman. "Malaysia's prices for procedures are on par with popular medical travel destinations such as India and Thailand, and its favorable climate and English-speaking culture attracts medical travelers from the US, Canada, the UK, Japan, and Australia."

Dato' Sri Dr. Ng Yen Yen, Malaysia's Minister of Tourism, is expected to formally launch the Patients Beyond Borders Malaysia Edition, to further emphasize the importance of medical travel to Malaysia's economic growth plans.

"Malaysia's quality healthcare system ranks among the best in Asia," says Dato' Dr. Jacob Thomas, President of Private Hospitals of Malaysia. "Value-conscious' patients will find costs here among the lowest of any international medical travel destination."

Patients Beyond Borders: Malaysia Edition will be available in bookstores and online retail channels throughout the world. The eBook edition will be available through lulu. com. Booksellers wishing to carry the Malaysia Edition should contact Publisher's Group West, www. pgw. com.

Current APHM members participating in the Patients Beyond Malaysia Edition include: Gleneagles Intan Medical Center, Gleneagles Medical Center Penang, Institut Jantung Negara (National Heart Institute), KPJ Healthcare Group, NCI Cancer Hospital and Specialist Clinics, Pantai Hospital Group, Penang Adventist Hospital, Prince Court Medical Center, Sime Darby Medical Center Subang Jaya and Sunway Medical Center.

About the Association of Private Hospitals
Established in 1972, APHM currently represents more than 100 private hospitals and medical clinics approved and licensed by Malaysia's Ministry of Health. Of those, more than 30 private hospitals are directly involved in medical tourism. Among APHM's objectives is the delivery of a high standard of healthcare to the public by coordinating activities of private hospitals and promoting healthcare services within Malaysia.

For more information about APHM, please contact:

Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia
Ms. Ruby Ng
Tel: +03 2284.0278
Fax: +03 2284.1278
Web: www. hospitals-malaysia. org

About Healthy Travel Media
Healthy Travel Media, an independent imprint based in Chapel Hill, NC, publishes books, eBooks, and Web-based consumer reference information on medical tourism and wellness travel. Patients Beyond Borders is available at Amazon and bookstores everywhere. The Patients Beyond Borders: Malaysia Edition is one of a series of in-country editions of the same name. For more information, visit: http://www. patientsbeyondborders. com (http://www. patientsbeyondborders. com).

For media queries, please contact:
United States
Judy Orchard
Tel: +1 919 545.0668
Http://www. patientsbeyondborders. com (http://www. patientsbeyondborders. com)


The State of Women Business Leaders Will Take Place Labor Day 2005

The State of Women Business Leaders Will Take Place Labor Day 2005

Study finds women leaders have a more open, team-oriented approach to leading others, while also being more persuasive and more willing to take risks.

Princeton, NJ (PRWEB) August 26, 2005

Labor Day this year is an appropriate time to note the progress being made by -- and challenges still facing -- women leaders in the workplace. While women continue on average to earn less money than men -- 80 cents on the dollar -- they are outpacing men in education by earning 57 percent of the bachelor's and master's degrees expected in 2005; and now comprise 46 percent of the workforce. While 38 percent of working women are in management and professional positions,* women in top-level leadership positions is still a rarity.

However, for that small percentage of women who do hold leadership positions, they are forging a new style of leadership, according to new and compelling research from Caliper, a Princeton-based management consulting firm that has assessed the potential of more than two million applicants and employees for companies such as Avis, FedEx and Johnson & Johnson. The study -- The Qualities that Distinguish Women Leaders -- revealed significant findings regarding the traits that differentiate women leaders and how those qualities compare to men in similar executive positions.

"Each Labor Day we are reminded of the great strides women have made professionally. Our study provides some explanation behind why women are succeeding and rising to new levels," Herb Greenberg, PhD., CEO of Caliper said. "What we found is that the women we assessed had qualities traditionally thought to be common to leaders -- assertiveness, persuasiveness, and risk-taking. However, when combined with empathy, flexibility and the strong interpersonal skills we know women leaders to have, a more inclusive, open, consensus-building leader emerges. "

Sample and Methods

While much research has been published comparing the leadership styles of women and men, this study specifically focused on their defining personality qualities and motivational factors.

This study included an in-depth personality assessment via the Caliper Profile, a demographic analysis, and interviews with 60 women leaders from some of the top companies in the United Kingdom and the United States, including Accenture, Bank of America, IBM, Molson Coors and Morgan Stanley.

The women in the study came from 19 different business sectors; including Finance, Computer, Education & Consulting, Health Products & Services and Real Estate. For comparison purposes, the women leaders in this study were matched to a representative sample of male leaders drawn from Caliper's database, representing similar industries and job titles.

Leadership style that starts with questions and leads to decisions.

The difference in leadership styles between men and women starts with listening. Not just listening to form an answer, but listening, learning, reflecting, to then implement a plan that incorporates the best of everyone's ideas.

Because women leaders are more open about sharing information, they will also talk decisions through with many more people than their male counterparts.

According to Mara Swan, Senior Vice President of Global Human Resources for Manpower, "There's no question that we ask for more input. I like to think out loud. And I am very stimulated by other people's thoughts, ideas and perspectives. Then it's my job to integrate them and come to the best decision."

As Dr. Greenberg explains, "The truth of the matter is that the top-down, hierarchical approach to leadership doesn't work very well in today's economy. With information much more easily accessible, leadership depends less upon protecting information and more upon sharing what is known."

Women leaders are more persuasive than their male counterparts.

The strong people skills possessed by women leaders enable them to read situations accurately and take in information from all sides. This willingness to see all sides of a situation enhances their persuasive ability. They can zero in on concerns or objections expressed, weigh these, then address and incorporate them into the grander scheme of things as appropriate. These women leaders genuinely understand and care about where others are coming from, allowing them to approach a subject from another person's perspective. The people they lead feel better understood, supported and valued.

When faced with rejection, women leaders learn from adversity and carry on even stronger.

The women in this study expressed a unique approach toward dealing with disappointment, rejection or situations that don't work out their way.

Dr. Greenberg explains, "They will feel the sting of being set back. They may even dwell on it, and tend to be a little self-critical. But then because of their assertiveness, they will shake it off, and carry on with an 'I'll show you' attitude."

Women leaders are more likely to ignore rules and take risks.

Women leaders scored significantly lower than male leaders in their desire to adhere to established procedures and their levels of cautiousness. They were also significantly higher in their levels of urgency and risk taking. And they possessed very high scores in abstract reasoning.

As a result, women leaders are more likely to push back if they are overly bound by regulations and rules, as well as engage in more risk taking and come up with innovative solutions. They tend to have a greater need to get things done than male leaders and are less likely to hesitate or focus on the small details.

Learning a thing or two from men, without being like them.

Swan notes that male and female leaders express their differences through language. "I always considered myself a fairly aggressive woman, but early in my career, I would find myself asking for permission, rather than saying, 'Here is what I need and here is why I need it.' So, I started to change my language, just slightly, and I was much more successful."

Are women creating a new paradigm of leadership?

The answer may be "yes." This study provides preliminary evidence that women bring clear personality and motivational strengths to leadership.

"We're looking at a different paradigm of leadership, and it plays naturally to the strengths of women," says Regina Sacha, Vice President of Human Resources for FedEx Custom Critical. "The tide has turned. The leadership skills that come naturally to women are now absolutely necessary for companies to continue to thrive. It certainly is the reverse of how it was when I first started out in the workplace. It seems like poetic justice."

Dr. Greenberg underscores, "The nature of the information economy favors teamwork and requires a leadership style that is more inclusive and accepting, rather than autonomous and controlling. Women leaders have shown us that influence and persuasion have taken the place of giving orders and delegating tasks."

He adds, "The strong leadership profile exhibited by the women we studied points to the future. The female view that we strengthen ourselves by strengthening others is re-defining leadership. The strong profile these women leaders share shows they are assertive, persuasive, empathic, willing to take risks, and have a need to get things done."

Caliper's research continues as the company studies women leaders in other societies and cultures including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Spain and Singapore.

*Labor statistics taken from 2003 U. S. Census Bureau data and 2004 Department of Labor Data.

About Caliper

Caliper is a global consulting firm, which has advised more than 25,000 companies on hiring, developing, team building and organizational concerns. Throughout the past four decades, and now with offices in twelve countries, Caliper has assessed the potential and performance of over two million employees and applicants. Caliper's consultants provide the insights, expertise and personal approach needed to help organizations achieve their goals.

This press release was distributed through eMediawire by Human Resources Marketer (HR Marketer: www. HRmarketer. com) on behalf of the company listed above.

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Prioritizing Health, Family and Self... Wallyball at Sequoia Health & Fitness Inc. Creates a Paradigm Shift for Herndon Residents

Prioritizing Health, Family and Self... Wallyball at Sequoia Health & Fitness Inc. Creates a Paradigm Shift for Herndon Residents

Americans are the most overweight and out of shape population in the world. Many people are looking for ways to take care of themselves but are confused and frustrated by the overload of available information. That’s why Sequoia Health and Fitness Inc, along with other members of the nonprofit International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), will open its doors FREE to the public Saturday November 12, 2005, 10 am - 2 pm, as part of the nationwide 2005 Get Active America! campaign.

HERNDON, VA (PRWEB) October 19, 2005

It’s a fact...Americans are the most overweight and out of shape population in the world. That’s why Sequoia Health and Fitness Inc, along with other members of the nonprofit International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), will open its doors FREE to the public Saturday November 12, 2005, 10 am - 2 pm, as part of the nationwide 2005 Get Active America! campaign.

Many people are looking for ways to take care of themselves but are confused and frustrated by the overload of available information and options. Clearly we need to rethink the way we view our health and fitness.

Marking the second year of the Get Active America campaign; it is a great opportunity for Americans of all ages to take the “first step” in beginning an exercise program in a safe and supportive environment. During 2004’s inaugural program, more than 150,000 Americans participated in Get Active America! taking their first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

“Many Americans don’t realize that in addition to helping control weight, physical activity decreases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease and reduces the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, and colon cancer,” said John McCarthy, executive director of IHRSA. “The health and fitness industry is dedicated to making exercise fun and accessible to all Americans.”

Americans Spend Over $15 Billion Every Year Trying To Look and Feel Better.

The choices that most Americans are making about their health and fitness are not solving their ever growing list of health problems. Conditions like heart disease, diabetes obesity and cancer are escalating instead of declining. Current approaches may show some short term gains but long-lasting benefits have been elusive. Enjoyable health and fitness options are as important to long term positive results as taking the first step.

Sequoia’s Cardio-FUN-Time is one example of an industry leader helping offer the nation enjoyable health and fitness options. Cardio-FUN-Time rethinks the traditional approach to cardiovascular fitness by offering fresh alternatives to boring treadmills, ellipticals and stationary bikes. “Everybody hates doing cardio” says Woody McMahon, owner of Sequoia Health and Fitness Inc. “Cardio-FUN-Time offers game based activity programs that help people get their cardio without being bored to death. We just want to provide a fun alternative to a life enhancing activity. Guests interested in beginning and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can try some of our Cardio-FUN-Time activities like Wallyball, Pickleball and other fun fitness options. They’ll also receive cutting edge health and fitness information along with personalized consultations with the Sequoia Team of professionals.” says McMahon “People want to have fun while they strive for increased strength, vitality and good health. They just need a system and a plan” says McMahon. “Sequoia gives them all of that and more.”

As an added benefit Sequoia guests who attend the Get Active America! Open House, will receive Free Consultation passes provided by the Sequoia Heath and Fitness Team. These passes can be redeemed for trial sessions of therapeutic massage, chiropractic wellness examinations, acupuncture, yoga, nutritional coaching or personal training.

About Sequoia Health and Fitness Inc.

Sequoia is located at 483A Carlisle Drive in Herndon, Virginia. Sequoia is the only full service healthy lifestyle facility of its kind in the Northern Virginia area. Specializing in integrated and balanced fitness, nutritional and stress reduction programs; Sequoia’s team of 9 professional experts is ready to help you look and feel better. Sequoia has been delivering quality health and fitness solutions for over 23 years to local residents and their families. For more information on the benefits of The Sequoia System please visit www. SequoiaHealth. com or call 703-628-2880.


The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) is a nonprofit association dedicated to the growth, protection, and promotion of the health club industry, and represents more than 6,500 clubs worldwide. IHRSA is an international leader in health club industry education and research. For more information on IHRSA, visit www. ihrsa. org. For more information on Get Active America!, visit www. getactiveamerica. com.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grandma Says, 'Don't Diet' to Overweight Kids, 'Ask Parents for Help'

Grandma Says, 'Don't Diet' to Overweight Kids, 'Ask Parents for Help'

Author and childhood obesity expert Grandma Bev Grey encourages overweight kids to avoid dieting, eat healthy and get active in her latest article, A Message For Overweight Kids or Teens which is available for download at http://www. grandmashealthykidsclub. com/blog12

Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) February 20, 2008

Author and childhood obesity expert Grandma Bev Grey encourages overweight kids to avoid dieting, eat healthy and get active in her latest article, A Message For Overweight Kids or Teens which is available for download at http://www. grandmashealthykidsclub. com/blog12 (http://www. grandmashealthykidsclub. com/blog12)

Childhood obesity affects many families and many kids find it hard to find someone who understands their challenges and can offer practical help. According to Grandma, help is just down the hall.

The most important advice Grey offers overweight kids and teens is, "don't be afraid to ask your parents for help. Ask your mom or dad for a few minutes of their time to have a private talk with you," she says. "Share your feelings and goals concerning your weight."

When it comes to dieting, Grey warns that, "a restrictive diet is not the answer. Even if you lose a lot of weight, you will probably gain it back, plus some, when the diet is over." To combat childhood obesity she encourages a lifestyle change that includes giving up kid staples such as pizza and soda.

"Just one regular size soda a day can make you gain 10 pounds in a year," states Grey. "Skip the sodas and drink water or low-fat milk instead."

"Good nutrition is the first key to healthy weight loss," says Grey. "If you don't like vegetables, eat them anyway. As you become used to them, you will learn to like most of them, I promise!"

Grey challenges overweight kids to take 10,000 steps each day. "Get a pedometer so that you can record the number of steps you take each day," offers Grey. "Offer to run errands for your parents, run the vacuum, walk the dog. Ride your bike, work out to an exercise video, or join the YMCA or Boys' & Girls' club."

Download the article in its entirety and get menu plans featuring meals and snacks low in fat and sugar as well as fun, get-fit activities for kids of all ages at, http://www. grandmashealthykidsclub. com/blog12 (http://www. grandmashealthykidsclub. com/blog12)

Bev Grey is founder and president of Grandma's Healthy Kids Club, a website that offers age-appropriate weight loss programs and other items for children and adults. She is also author of "The Project", a fictional story for children or adults who work with children, and "Ending the Cycle of Obesity", an e-book containing several articles she has written about healthy living and childhood obesity. Visit www. grandmashealthykidsclub. com

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Innovative Physician Visit Models: How to Rewrite the Appointment Book

Innovative Physician Visit Models: How to Rewrite the Appointment Book

For physician groups facing the dual challenges of improving their practices’ financial health and enhancing the patient experience, it may be time to reshuffle traditional appointment scheduling methods. Representatives of physician groups already testing new patient visit models will share the benefits and risks of these initiatives during Implementing Innovative Visit Models Into Physician Practices, a live interactive audio conference on March 1, 2006 at 1:30 p. m. Eastern time. Sponsored by the Healthcare Intelligence Network (HIN), the 90-minute audio conference will describe how innovative visit models can help physician organizations improve outcomes and reduce practice costs without sacrificing the high standard of care that patients have come to expect.

Manasquan, NJ (PRWEB) January 24, 2006

For physician groups facing the dual challenges of improving their practices’ financial health and enhancing the patient experience, it may be time to reshuffle traditional appointment scheduling methods. As Dr. Paul Wallace, co-director of Kaiser-Permanente’s Care Management Institute told 2005 Disease Management Congress attendees, “physicians need to stop counting daily patient 15-minute visits” and devise new opportunities to touch patients. Patient contact via group visits, house calls, open access and targeted mailed, telephonic and electronic communications provide alternatives to traditional patient scheduling without compromising care, he said.

Representatives of physician groups already testing new patient visit models will share the benefits and risks of these initiatives during Implementing Innovative Visit Models Into Physician Practices, a live interactive audio conference on March 1, 2006 at 1:30 p. m. Eastern time. Sponsored by the Healthcare Intelligence Network (HIN), the 90-minute audio conference will describe how innovative visit models can help physician organizations improve outcomes and reduce practice costs without sacrificing the high standard of care that patients have come to expect. For more information, please visit http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? visitspr (http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? visitspr).

During this 90-minute audio conference, Sue Houck, president and CEO, Houck Associates, and Dr. Joseph Spooner, senior vice president of outcomes, Care Level Management, will present innovative visit models in use at their organizations. Houck will describe how physician practices are using group visits to achieve efficiencies, pare costs and improve care, while Dr. Spooner will detail the Care Level Management group practice model utilizing physicians that only make house calls. During the last 30 minutes of the audio conference, these speakers will open the floor for debate.

“The traditional patient scheduling process often creates backlogs and frustration, which can worsen health outcomes as care is delayed and business is lost,” says Melanie Matthews, HIN executive vice president and chief operating officer. “With careful planning, physician groups can implement non-conventional means of making patient contact without impacting cost or patient care levels.”

The March 1, 2006 audio conference has been designed to benefit executives and leadership physicians of physician hospital organizations and independent practice associations, medical group management executives, physician practice management company executives, large physician groups, management service organizations executives, CEOs, COOs, CFOs, medical directors, network development directors, provider relation executives, controllers, contract administrators, contract officers, physician practice office managers, managed care directors, business development executives, consultants and strategic planners.

An on-demand rebroadcast of the audio conference can be accessed beginning March 3, 2006, and a CD-ROM recording with printed transcript will be available in mid-March. For registration information and details on audio conference formats, please visit: http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? visitstpr (http://www. hin. com/cgi-local/link/news/pl. cgi? visitstpr).

About the Healthcare Intelligence Network—HIN is the premier advisory service for executives seeking high-quality strategic information on the business of healthcare. For more information, contact the Healthcare Intelligence Network, PO Box 1442, Wall Township, NJ 07719-1442, (888) 446-3530, fax (732) 292-3073, e-mail info@hin. com, or visit http://www. hin. com (http://www. hin. com).


Patricia Donovan

Phone: (732) 528-4468

Fax: (732) 292-3073


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grady Health System a Model of Emergency Preparedness -- Highlighting One of Nation's Busiest Trauma Centers' Success With LiveProcess

Grady Health System a Model of Emergency Preparedness -- Highlighting One of Nation's Busiest Trauma Centers' Success With LiveProcess

LiveProcess, the leading healthcare solution for emergency preparedness and response, continues to expand nationally and gain wide acceptance as a first-to-market program for emergency managers today.

Verona, NJ (PRWEB) April 30, 2008

LiveProcess, the leading healthcare solution for emergency preparedness and response, continues to expand nationally and gain wide acceptance as a first-to-market program for emergency managers today.

And nowhere is that more evident than at Atlanta-based Grady Health System, one of the nation's busiest trauma centers. "Whenever someone outside of our system complements us after a real-life emergency response, we tell them we were just doing our job," said Emergency Manager Charlotte Clark. "LiveProcess is all about sharing, planning and responding together to make things happen."

Indeed, Grady Health System has successfully used LiveProcess to manage real-life crises such as the massive treatment and repatriation of U. S. citizens following the terrorist bombings of Lebanon and Israel, and a host of other incidents such as bomb scares, multi-vehicle accidents, a tornado, and a hazardous materials poisoning at a private parochial high school.

Working with the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA), nearly 200 Georgia hospitals now use LiveProcess to help coordinate their emergency preparedness and response, and today form the first ever statewide emergency preparedness platform.

LiveProcess is building out its national presence as it drives continued enhancements of its industry-leading platform following new financing this month from a group of top healthcare and technology investors.

The American Hospital Association also has exclusively endorsed LiveProcess as the choice for disaster readiness and incident management for its more than 5,000 member hospitals. The AHA endorsement was made after an exhaustive year-long selection process, and further builds upon LiveProcess' presence as the leading web-based platform for helping hospitals manage their disaster preparedness plans and responses.

LiveProcess is:
 The market leader in emergency management and response for healthcare.  Endorsed exclusively by the American Hospital Association  Recognized as a best practice by the Advisory Board Company  Solely committed to emergency preparedness and response for healthcare.  Successfully used in real-life emergencies and real-time exercises  Successfully used to coordinate statewide real-time pandemic flu exercises  Used effectively in Joint Commission surveys across the country.  State-of-the-art enterprise solution for governance, risk and compliance for healthcare

For more about the Grady Health System's success with LiveProcess, visit http://www. liveprocess. com/case/gradyhealth. php (http://www. liveprocess. com/case/gradyhealth. php).

About LiveProcess
LiveProcess is the leader in emergency management for hospitals. LiveProcess developed the first standardized software and web-based solution designed to help health care organizations prepare for and respond to both large - and small-scale emergencies disasters. Since its formation in 2003, the company has been focused on enhancing health care emergency preparedness and response, and helping hospital executives gain visibility and control of compliance efforts across their health care system. The LiveProcess platform provides a wide and growing range of fully integrated tools to assist in emergency management, including Hazard Vulnerability Analyses (HVAs), Incident Command System (ICS), NIMS Compliance, Drills for Readiness and Compliance, Event Log, and Competency-Based Training capabilities. For more information on LiveProcess, please visit www. liveprocess. com.


Preparing For Lyme Disease Season: Get Set For Spring -- and Keep Your Family Safe

Preparing For Lyme Disease Season: Get Set For Spring -- and Keep Your Family Safe

April marks the official start of tick season, and ticks are the most common carriers of the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

Greenwich, CT (PRWEB) March 7, 2008

With spring just around the corner, most of us are looking forward to spending more time outdoors -- not to the threat caused by disease-spreading parasites. But April marks the official start of tick season, and ticks are the most common carriers of the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

"Although Lyme disease is a year-round problem, ticks are most active in the spring and early summer," says Debbie Siciliano, co-president and co-founder of Time for Lyme, Inc. (timeforlyme. org), a research, education and advocacy network and affiliate of the Lyme Disease Association, which together have endowed the Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center at Columbia University Medical in New York City, the first of its kind dedicated to the study of chronic Lyme disease. "And unfortunately, these ticks are often found in private backyards and gardens -- just the places where many of us want to be come springtime."

Cases of Lyme disease have been reported in virtually every state, although the Northeastern, Great Lakes, and Pacific Northwest areas are particularly troublesome. "If you live or vacation in these places, you're more likely to meet up with an infected tick," Siciliano says. "You're also more vulnerable if you like to hike in wooded or grassy areas -- places where ticks thrive."

To get ready for Lyme season, Siciliano recommends controlling the ticks around your home, then taking steps to protect yourself and your family. Here are some steps to consider:

Use Pesticides
A pesticide designed to kill ticks, called an acaricide, can make a big dent in tick populations. In fact, a single, well-timed application can reduce tick populations by 68 to 100%, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Environmental Protection Agency and individual states determine the legal use of pesticides, so check with your local authorities, and talk with local health officials about the best time to apply acaricide. You also can hire a professional to apply pesticides around your home to reduce the tick population.

Banish the Bugs
Beyond the chemicals, you can use landscaping techniques to create a tick-safe zone around your house. "Ticks thrive in humid, wooded areas, but they don't last long in sunny, dry environments," Siciliano says. To keep them away from your home, prune trees and shrubs, clear away leaf litter, brush and tall grass, and let your lawn dry between waterings. Get rid of mulch beds and keep firewood stacked in a dry place. And put down a strip of wood chips or gravel between lawns and wooded areas to prevent ticks from moving in.

Discourage Deer
Sure, they're cute, but deer can carry some nasty stowaways, Siciliano says. They typically carry the adult female ticks that can drop off and lay thousands of eggs on your property. So don't feed them on your property, and put up a fence or barrier to keep them off your yard. Get rid of the birdfeeders -- or at least be sure to clean up any spilled birdfeed before it attracts deer. You also can add deer-resistant plants to your garden (talk to the experts at your local nursery for suggestions).

Mind the Mice
Deer ticks also love to settle on mice and other rodents, so you might consider taking steps to control them there, too. Bait boxes, such as the Maxforce Tick Management System and Damminix Tick Tubes, treat wild rodents with acaricide and have been shown to reduce ticks around homes by more than 50 percent. The treatment is similar to products used to control fleas and ticks on pets; it doesn't harm the mouse, just the ticks, although you should use caution, as you would with any other chemicals, and store the product where the dogs and kids can't reach it.

Protect Your Pets
Cats and dogs that venture outside can pick up ticks and bring them home to you, says Siciliano. Schedule an appointment now to talk to your veterinarian about appropriate tick repellants (Frontline and Top Spot are two popular options), and get into the habit of checking Fido or Fluffy for ticks every time he comes inside. "The Lyme-carrying ticks can be as small as a poppy seed, so you've got to be especially careful when checking a furry dog or cat," Siciliano says. "Using appropriate veterinary tick repellants makes it much less likely that your pet will bring ticks home."

Stock Up
Before April rolls around, consider stocking your medicine cabinet with the tick repellant and insecticide products you'll use to protect yourself and your family, Siciliano says. You'll want an insect repellent containing 20 to 30 percent DEET, which you'll apply to exposed skin and clothing (check with your doctor about the appropriate use of DEET). CDC recommends products containing active ingredients which have been registered with US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use as insect repellents on skin or clothing. You'll also want to buy a product containing permethrin, an insecticide that you apply to clothing. "Remember that DEET is a repellant, so it won't kill the ticks," Siciliano says. "Permethrin kills ticks on your clothing, but it won't have any effect on bugs that don't land on your clothes," Siciliano says. "That's why it's best to keep both permethrin and DEET products on hand and use them together."

About Time for Lyme
Time For Lyme is an organization dedicated to eliminating the devastating effects of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illness. Our mission is to prevent the spread of disease, develop definitive diagnostic tools and effective treatments, and to ultimately find a cure for tick-borne illness by supporting research, education, and the acquisition and dissemination of information. In addition, we will continue to act as advocates for Lyme disease sufferers and their families through support of legislative reform on the federal, state and local levels. For more information on our organization, please visit www. timeforlyme. org.


Medicare Cheaper than Canada? - AARP Bulletin Report Misleading, says ADV-Care Pharmacy

Medicare Cheaper than Canada? - AARP Bulletin Report Misleading, says ADV-Care Pharmacy

The recent AARP Bulletin report on prescription drug costs oversteps reality by suggesting that Medicare Part D is a better deal than Canadian drugs. Further analysis shows the report’s claim is circumstantial and misleading to American seniors.

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB) January 4, 2006

The January, 2006 AARP Bulletin features a report titled Medicare: The New Math that draws a broad but erroneous inference that the new Medicare Part D prescription drug program is a better deal overall than Canadian drugs. Case studies were performed on only 5 patients on various medications, with 4 of the 5 predicted to save more money on the lowest price Medicare plan vs. a Canadian pharmacy. However, after reviewing each example, the pharmacy professionals at ADV-Care (www. adv-care. com or www. PharmacyOnTheNet. com) noticed that the cases featured were contrived by using a “best case scenario” that favored the Medicare plan.

“Declaring that the Medicare insurance program is superior to Canada based on 5 cases is statistically inappropriate and completely unrealistic,” says Ramy Attalla, Director of Communications at ADV-Care. “If additional drugs were added to each patient example there would likely be 3 out of 5 enjoying better savings from Canada. The solution for each patient is a moving target that leans either way depending on where they live, what drugs they take and which are covered. Our own analysis of hundreds of patients reveals Canada offers the better deal 75% of the time. That’s the reality.”

There is another drawback to the AARP report – the numbers were derived from one or two Medicare plans, when in fact there are hundreds available to seniors throughout the U. S.

"The likelihood of someone picking the least expensive plan is remote," said Robert Hayes, president of the Medicare Rights Center, a national consumer services group based in Manhattan. "Many people are taking a shot in the dark."

The complexity and confusion surrounding the Medicare program has many American seniors opting for the simplicity of Canadian pharmacies.

ADV-Care pharmacy recognizes that the Medicare prescription drug program may be beneficial to some seniors and therefore a smart solution may involve a combination of Medicare and Canadian drugs.

“When people do the math they quickly realize that Canada can be a stand-alone alternative or a welcome safety-net to the gaps in Medicare coverage. And the real bonus: it’s simple and you don’t have to deal with rising premiums, forfeiting other Medicare benefits and the typical insurance run-around,” adds Attalla.

ADV-Care Pharmacy (www. adv-care. com or www. PharmacyOnTheNet. com) is licensed by the Ontario College of Pharmacists, and has been safely dispensing medications to Canadian & U. S. residents for 6 years. All medications are Health Canada approved and are dispensed by licensed pharmacists.

Media Contact:

Ramy Attalla

Ph. 1-888-611-5582

Website: www. PharmacyOnTheNet. com


Gluten Free Living For Seniors -- Retirement Living Innovators First in the Nation to Become Gluten Free Food Service Accredited (GFFS)

Gluten Free Living For Seniors -- Retirement Living Innovators First in the Nation to Become Gluten Free Food Service Accredited (GFFS)

GenCare, a retirement living community, has expanded upon their award winning Whole Life Living Culinary Program by becoming gluten free food service accredited. In an effort to support their vision of pairing health and wellness promotion with illness management, the facility now can offer gluten-free options to community members.

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) January 15, 2011

GenCare Lifestyle is on a mission: to inspire senior residents to make healthier choices so they can simply enjoy living. Expanding upon its award winning Whole Life Living Culinary Program GenCare recognized that nearly 25 million people follow a gluten-free diet and over 60% of persons with celiac disease fear dining out. The Whole Food, Whole Life initiative is one element of the Seattle-based organization's Whole Life Living wellness program. The program promotes health and wellness by providing healthy lifestyle choices rather than solely managing illness. Leon Grundstein, founder and CEO, shares that you can't live forever but you can live well, by making simple changes in your lifestyle.

It is a "staggering" challenge for retirement and assisted-living communities to feed large numbers of residents something delicious every day and keep them both healthy and satisfied, Grundstein observes. Yet "food is the foundation," he says. "It fuels the engines of your heart and mind." GenCare's professionally trained chefs prepare "tasty, nourishing meals for residents made from fresh, whole and organic natural foods," according to Grundstein. With this focus on whole life dining, the culinary initiative "supports older adults who want to be well and eat well," he explains.

Until now, mature adults living gluten-free had no options for retirement facilities where they felt the facility could provide safe meals. Many times mature adults have been turned away because retirement communities didn't know how to meet their nutritional needs. GenCare's devotion to providing gluten-free as part of the Whole Life initiative is wonderful news to those wishing to live healthy with age, according to Cynthia Kupper, RD; Executive Director Gluten Intolerance Group of North America (GIG).


Monday, January 26, 2009

Leading SOA Advisors ZapThink Strike up Partnership with Business/IT Consulting Company Online Business Systems

Leading SOA Advisors ZapThink Strike up Partnership with Business/IT Consulting Company Online Business Systems

SOA expert advisory firm ZapThink and consulting firm Online Business Systems have joined forces to assist companies that aspire to transform themselves into agile businesses. Online has developed a successful track record of SOA implementations by leveraging its decades worth of experience with complex, multi-platform enterprise integration work.

Baltimore, MD (PRWEB) September 29, 2006

ZapThink and Online Business Systems have joined forces to assist companies that aspire to transform themselves into agile businesses.

Jason Bloomberg and Ronald Schmelzer, ZapThink’s senior analysts and authors of the bestselling book "Service Orient or Be Doomed! How Service Orientation will Change Your Business," are at the forefront of the Service Orientation movement. They have been evangelizing their vision and strategy for approaching and implementing Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) within organizations for six years. To help them handle the demand for their strategic SOA services, Bloomberg and Schmelzer launched the Licensed ZapThink Partner (LZP) program with Online Business Systems invited a charter member.

“To deliver on our vision we were looking for like-minded partners that not only shared our beliefs and enthusiasm for Service Orientation but also had the experience implementing it within organizations,” says Schmelzer. “Online has developed a successful track record of SOA implementations by leveraging its decades worth of experience with complex, multi-platform enterprise integration work.”

“Just because companies are implementing SOA doesn't mean they’re implementing it in the most effective way," says Bloomberg. “ZapThink collects the most effective, highest quality approaches to doing SOA and compiles them in such a way that emerging leaders of the SOA movement can leverage them for their own success. Our LZPs are the only credentialed firms qualified to deliver high-quality SOA leveraging these approaches and best practices. Whether a company needs guidance on developing their SOA implementation strategy, defining their SOA scope, building their business case for SOA, or developing their SOA organizational and architectural change management strategy, our Master Architects have the experience to help.”

“ZapThink shows true thought leadership in understanding Service Orientation,” says Tim Siemens, Online’s Chief Technology Officer. “As a business and technology consulting company, our clients depend on us to stay at the forefront of the changes in technology. With several of our senior architects now credentialed by ZapThink as Master Architects, we are in a better position than ever to deliver high-quality SOA strategy and implementation to our clients.”

Online and ZapThink have already put their partnership into action by delivering a SOA strategy course to the Communication and Information Wing at Scott Air Force base in Illinois, as well as a number of joint-training sessions offered through the Intervista Institute. “These courses are truly unique, since they cover both the academic vision AND actual lessons learned from the trenches, and are presented by Enterprise Architects with real world implementation experience,” says Murray Laatsch, Integration Director for Online and ZapThink Master Architect. “Many of our clients are looking for logical next steps in raising their corporate SOA maturity and these educational and informative sessions offer that.”

About Online Business Systems

Online has been guiding clients in exploring their potential through innovative business and technology consulting for more than 20 years. We deliver solutions in Business Process Management, Application Development, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Integration, and Customer Experience Management. Online enables client innovation by transforming their complex business processes and vast amounts of data into the strategic intelligence they need to be leaders. As a result, we are trusted advisors to clients in the Energy, Healthcare, Financial Services, and Integrated Justice & Public Safety sectors.

About ZapThink

Founded in October 2000, ZapThink, LLC (http://www. zapthink. com (http://www. zapthink. com)) is an IT advisory and analysis firm that provides trusted advice and critical insight into the architectural and organizational changes brought about by the movement to XML, Web Services, and Service Orientation. We provide our three target audiences of IT vendors, service providers and end-users a clear roadmap for standards-based, loosely coupled distributed computing - a vision of IT meeting the needs of the agile business. ZapThink is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. Its customers include Global 1000 firms and emerging businesses.


Ronald Schmelzer Dominic Kingston

ZapThink, LLC Online Business Systems

108 Woodlawn Rd. 1710, 840-7th Avenue SW

Baltimore, MD 21210 Calgary, AB T2P 3G2

Phone: (781) 207-0203 Phone: (403) 265-8515


UCLA Extension Offers Professionals 'Green' Courses And New Global Sustainability Certificate To Build Skills For The Green Economy

UCLA Extension Offers Professionals 'Green' Courses And New Global Sustainability Certificate To Build Skills For The Green Economy

UCLA Extension announces a new Global Sustainability Certificate Program designed to give professionals the skills they need to navigate the new green economy. The program offers four areas of concentration: Design, Business Strategy, Energy & Technology, and Environmental Law & Policy.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) August 25, 2009

To address the world's growing environmental pressures, businesses, organizations and governments are seeking professionals with the skills and knowledge to create sustainable policies, technologies and methods. Now UCLA Extension, the continuing professional education division of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), is launching a series of courses designed to help professionals acquire the skills and knowledge to succeed in the new "green" economy.

UCLA Extension's Sustainability Certificate Provides Multi-Disciplinary Foundation

Not only is UCLA Extension offering individual courses, they also have launched a new Global Sustainability Certificate (http://www. uclaextension. edu/sustainability), with courses starting this fall quarter. The certificate consists of a focused curriculum of three core courses detailing the economic, environmental and social issues underpinning the sustainability movement, and four tracks of concentration for specific industries--Design, Business Strategy, Energy & Technology and Environmental Law & Policy. A fifth General Studies concentration is also available for students to customize their education. UCLA Extension's Sustainability Certificate stands out because it combines the rigor of a multi-disciplinary background essential for success with theory and application in specific disciplines.

"UCLA Extension is known for providing knowledge and skills to help professionals achieve success," said UCLA Extension Dean Cathy Sandeen. "As a world-class leader in lifelong learning, we pride ourselves on our ability to create relevant, innovative educational opportunities, and our new Global Sustainability Certificate is a perfect example of how we address the changing needs of today's workforce."

The curriculum for the Global Sustainability Certificate was developed in conjunction with academic and industry leaders, including EPA experts, Southern California Edison executives in Renewable and Alternative Power, and faculty from the UCLA Institute for the Environment, among many others. The series of courses and flexibility of offerings is specifically geared for working professionals in a variety of fields--from entrepreneurs to teachers and attorneys to scientists and community planners--so they quickly can get the background necessary to lead environmentally sustainable change.

UCLA Named Top 10 Green School by Sierra Club

Not only is UCLA Extension regularly acknowledged for offering outstanding evening, weekend and online courses, but as a division of UCLA, it shares in the recent recognition of UCLA as one of the Top 10 Green Schools by the Sierra Club. This recognition highlights the extensive efforts UCLA has undertaken to minimize its footprint, including recycling materials from construction projects, minimizing paper waste and composting food waste--a practice which reduced that type of trash alone by over 1,500 tons per month.

More information about the Global Sustainability Certificate is available at www. uclaextension. edu/sustainability (http://www. uclaextension. edu/sustainability) and at UCLA Extension's Open House, Sept. 15, 5:30-8 p. m., at 10920 Lindbrook Drive, in Los Angeles. The event is free, highlights a panel on green careers, and offers potential students a venue to explore many career options from the arts and business to education, engineering and writing. More information on the open house and UCLA Extension is available at uclaextension. edu.

UCLA Extension (http://www. uclaextension. edu) is the continuing education division of the University of California at Los Angeles. UCLA Extension offers evening, weekend, and online courses and certificates for professionals in business, management, engineering, information systems, entertainment studies, public policy, public health, the humanities and many other fields. Find out more at www. uclaextension. edu.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

GetRichSlowly. org Launches Online Video Contest Featuring $1,500 in Cash Prizes

GetRichSlowly. org Launches Online Video Contest Featuring $1,500 in Cash Prizes

Top-ranked finance blog GetRichSlowly. org launched its 2010 Video Contest, offering entrants a multimedia platform to share personal finance tips or success stories with an online community of hundreds of thousands of readers. Three winning entries--as judged by creativity and originality, popularity and usefulness--will receive cash grand prizes. The contest is open through April 15, 2010.

San Mateo, CA (PRWEB) March 17, 2010

Have you developed a creative way of eliminating debt, building your savings or earning extra money? Do your friends envy the way you always seem to find the best deals and bargains? Are you working on a long-term plan that will significantly impact your financial freedom or have you successfully achieved a financial goal? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," GetRichSlowly. org wants to hear from you.

GetRichSlowly. org (http://GetRichSlowly. org)--the top-ranked finance blog on Technorati--has launched the 2010 GetRichSlowly. org Video Contest. The contest is calling on the Web site's readers to submit a short video for one of two entry categories: Personal Finance Tips and Success Stories. Contestants can review official entry rules and submit videos through April 15, 2010 by visiting http://www. getrichslowly. org/blog/videocontest/2010 (http://www. getrichslowly. org/blog/videocontest/2010). Each participant may submit up to two entries in each category.

Winners will be chosen by GetRichSlowly editor J. D. Roth, author of the recently published book, Your Money: The Missing Manual (O'Reilly), based on creativity and originality, compelling content, popularity and usefulness to the GetRichSlowly. org community.

"GetRichSlowly. org has grown into an amazing community of everyday folks who help each other tackle financial problems," said Roth of the Web site, which now garners half a million visitors every month. "Since 2006, I have joined other writers in sharing stories about debt elimination, saving money and frugality. Now it's our readers' turn to tell their stories."

So pull out your video cameras and start recording. A grand prize of $500 will be awarded to one winner in each entry category, in addition to ten honorable mentions in both categories who will receive an autographed copy of Your Money: The Missing Manual. Contest participants who have their own Web site can automatically be considered for a third $500 grand prize by submitting a video in either the Personal Finance Tips or Success Stories category and tagging it according to official entry guidelines. The winning Web site will also be featured on GetRichSlowly. org.

This is an opportunity to contribute to an online community that hundreds of thousands of readers turn to for advice on everything from finding the best high-yield savings account and understanding IRS audits to eating healthy while not breaking the bank and creating homemade gifts to save money.

GetRichSlowly. org (http://www. getrichslowly. org), currently the number-one finance blog as ranked by Technorati, is an online community devoted to sensible personal finance. Since 2006, GetRichSlowly. org has provided thousands of active readers with a forum to learn about and discuss saving money, eliminating debt and pursuing practical paths to accumulating wealth. The site is among "The Top 100 Personal Finance Web sites," according to Liz Weston of MSN, and has been named "The Most Inspiring Money Blog" by CNN's Money magazine.

All writers at GetRichSlowly. org, including J. D. Roth, are available for interviews on the video contest as well as topics relating to personal saving and investing. To request an interview, please contact:

Jessica Austin
Pr(at)getrichslowly. org


E-commerce, Telehealth Partnership Allows Health Care Practitioners To Grow Revenue With Ease

E-commerce, Telehealth Partnership Allows Health Care Practitioners To Grow Revenue With Ease

PureRXO and Tx Xchange will launch an integrated e-commerce and telehealth solution to provide healthcare practitioners the capability to service more of their patient’s health and wellness needs and enable more cost-effective outcomes.

Carlsbad, CA (PRWEB) December 16, 2010

PureRXO and Tx Xchange announced today a joint venture to develop and market integrated e-commerce and telehealth solutions for healthcare practitioners. With the web-based software, practitioners will be able to deliver a much more engaging healthcare experience, increase patient participation, and better service rapidly growing patient demand for high-quality nutritional supplements.

“By integrating our high-quality nutritional supplement e-commerce solution with Tx Xchange’s telehealth software, patients can research health and product literacy information, securely get their trusted provider’s input and guidance, and make a more informed buying decision in a very convenient and secure manner. Together, we’re giving providers the ability to more comprehensively support the well-being of their patients, while launching supplemental revenue streams to offset the downward pressure on reimbursements”, said Devin Ryerson, DC and PureRXO’s CEO.

Consumers increasingly look toward high-quality nutritional supplements as a safer, more cost-effective way to improve their health and well-being. The PureRXO and Tx Xchange solution gives health care practitioners a virtually effortless way to address this $25B/yr market opportunity and better support more of their patient’s health interests. Practitioners will simply choose which product lines (e. g. Pure Encapsulations) and individual products they want to make available in their branded, pre-built store, Tx Xchange will make the store available to patients each time they login into their patient portal to participate in their own care, and PureRXO will fulfill and support each order.

As they are confronted with an overwhelming amount of health and wellness research, patients want better access to their practitioner for guidance on the appropriate plan of care. The problem is the traditional office-based care model does not support consistent, timely practitioner/patient communication. The turn-key PureRXO/Tx Xchange solution does.

“For health, wellness, and fitness providers to be successful in the future, they must deliver more value and better outcomes to their patients and create new revenue streams for their own businesses. The integrated solution with PureRXO gives practitioners the ability achieve these goals without having to invest capital, expand operations or add headcount”, says Mark Barnes DPT, Tx Xchange’s CEO.

About PureRXO
PureRXO is the leading provider of tailored website and e-commerce solutions for the modern healthcare professional. PureRXO's proven solutions provide a secure and convenient way for patients to research health and wellness topics, improve health literacy, and purchase professionally branded supplements. For existing web platforms, PureRXO offers value-added contract fulfillment services to help increase revenue and strengthen customer relationships. To learn more, please visit http://www. purerxo. com

About Tx Xchange
Tx Xchange is the only web-based telehealth software for health, wellness, and fitness providers and their patients or clients. With Tx Xchange, providers can securely message their patients between visits, deliver personalized video-based exercise plans and health literacy information, monitor activity and progress, and dramatically improve patient participation. By employing Tx Xchange’s patient-centric care model, providers can improve quality of care, grow existing revenue streams, and launch innovative new ones online. To learn more, please visit http://www. txxchange. com

Contact:  Contact:
Jonathan Epstein  Mike Roberts
P: 303.562.6737 P: 303.332.1524
E: jepstein(at)txxchange(dot)com  E: mike(at)purerxo(dot)com


Advertisers and Affiliates Cash in BIG with DirectCPV

Advertisers and Affiliates Cash in BIG with DirectCPV

DirectCPV revolutionizes internet marketing with online advertising solutions. Boasting upgraded, lucrative lists of categorical bids, Advertisers and Affiliates alike will dramatically increase their returns, thanks to precise contextual technology and both category and exact target matching. DirectCPV's technological foundation, coupled with extensive experience and knowledge has created a strong platform for both Affiliate and Advertiser success.

Vancouver, BC (PRWEB) August 27, 2009

In less than one year DirectCPV - a leader in online advertising (http://www. DirectCPV. com) solutions - has dramatically increased their presence in the online marketing world. As a result, the company boasts an upgraded, financially lucrative list of categorical bids. Advertisers and Affiliates alike, are in the position to dramatically increase their returns.

DirectCPV has swiftly achieved success using their precise contextual technology. This sophisticated technology enables the company to offer Advertisers and Affiliates (http://www. DirectCPV. com) both category and exact target matching. The company's technological foundation paired with extensive experience and knowledge has thus created a strong platform for both Advertisers and Affiliates.

According to Theng Kuoch, Director of Strategic Partnerships at DirectCPV, " ... Our success was inevitable. The core of this business is DirectCPV's revolutionary software which enables our team to provide our advertisers with the most relevant ad placement possible! As a result DirectCPV is able to meet all of our advertisers marketing objectives by simply adhering to a marketing formula based on target keywords or websites. Overall, this product provides the highest conversions for your marketing dollar."

These days money talks, and DirectCPV is talking. With over 2 million users worldwide the advertising giant is pleased to share with Advertisers their improved categorical list. Top categories include: Financial Services, Government, Education & Careers, Automotive, Business to Business, Health, Telecommunications, Travel, Computers & Internet, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Retail Goods & Services. Advertising rates start at $0.004 per view.

DirectCPV means business, as they have continued to expand their marketing horizons to include paying for high quality Affiliate traffic at an impressive 50% to 60% revshare. Affiliates can be assured that they will greatly benefit from DirectCPV's continued success.

For more information about DirectCPV and the revolutionary Targeted Contextual Advertising system, please visit DirectCPV. com (http://www. DirectCPV. com) or contact a sales manager at 1-866-984-6278 to receive more information about the product.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cement Companies Follow Up On Agenda for Action

Cement Companies Follow Up On Agenda for Action

Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for employees and contractors is a fundamental key to corporate social responsibility, and is one of the most important issues for the cement industry. CSI members recognize that more attention should be paid to this area across the whole industry and are committed to playing a full part in that process.

(PRWEB) February 9, 2005

Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for employees and contractors is a fundamental key to corporate social responsibility, and is one of the most important issues for the cement industry. CSI members recognize that more attention should be paid to this area across the whole industry and are committed to playing a full part in that process.

Cement is one of the most widely used substances on earth. Making cement is an energy and resource intensive process with both local and global environmental, health and safety impacts.

Recognizing these facts, several cement companies, initiated the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) as a member-sponsored program of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Currently, sixteen cement companies, who together represent more that half the worldwide industry outside of China, sponsor the Initiative.

CSI Companies are already hugely committed to improvement in safety performance in their companies, and very significant improvements are already being achieved.

As promised under the Agenda for Action, the CSI Task Force on Employee Health & Safety has now drafted these Examples of Good Practice. This guideline document outlines how the management of both health and safety can and should be achieved, without being over-prescriptive.

It gives practical guidance on good practice in safety procedures in the cement industry based on experience and focused on the identified fatality and injury causes. It also gives parallel employee health guidelines, again focused on the most common health concerns, in particular relating to the increasingly common use of alternate fuels.

Most CSI Companies have already implemented such guidelines, though a need has been identified to disseminate these to the wider industry and external stakeholders.


Seasoned Dermatologist Nissan Pilest of Irvine, CA, Joins SDS Clinical Trials as Clinical Investigator for Dermatology Division

Seasoned Dermatologist Nissan Pilest of Irvine, CA, Joins SDS Clinical Trials as Clinical Investigator for Dermatology Division

A new dermatology division is being added to the slate of SDS Clinical Trials. Nissan Pilest, Medical Director of Total Dermatology in Irvine, Ca, will be a primary investigative physician upon the division launch.

Orange County, CA (PRWEB) July 28, 2009

Well known Orange County Dermatologist and Laser Physician, Nissan Pilest (http://www. totaldermatology. com/pages/meet. html), has been selected by SDS Clinical Trials located in California to participate in their newly developed Dermatology Division. Physician clinical investigators play a pivotal role in the development of drugs, therapies and medical devices used to combat disease, treat chronic and degenerative diseases, and improve the health of people throughout the world.

Dr. Pilest, a Board Certified Dermatologist, will carry out the trials at his medical and cosmetic dermatology clinic, Total Dermatology, located in central Irvine. His 30 year career in dermatological surgery, medical dermatology and cosmetic anti-aging brought him to the attention of SDS Clinical Trials (http://www. sdsclinicaltrials. com) administrator Nanci Hook-Seid. "We're delighted Dr. Pilest has agreed to join us in this expansion of our clinical trial outreach. His reputation in Southern California, combined with his long term expertise in all dermatological processes were part of our selection criteria. We feel fortunate to have such an esteemed physician to participate in our forthcoming trials."

Dr. Pilest treats a multi-ethnic patient population, making him perfectly situated to be able to select a true cross section of patients who may qualify for the various clinical trials launched through SDS.

"This is a great opportunity not only for me, but for my patients," said Dr. Pilest. "To be among the first to benefit from the newest drug and devise research potentially will assist all of the clinical trial patients to reach better levels of skin health and appearance much faster. It often takes years' of controlled studies before an FDA approval is given. If my enrolled patients can be the first to experience a new solution, then that makes my job all the more satisfying."

Dr. Pilest is well known throughout Orange County as one of the more experienced laser physicians in the dermatology field with experience spanning more than 30 years. He is a first level trainer for the Fraxel Repair CO2 resurfacing laser and a frequent speaker for Candela Laser on their full line of lasers including the top tiered GentleMax laser. Dr. Pilest also trains other physicians in the advanced injection techniques of Allergan products Juvederm and Botox, is on the Medical Education Faculty for Bioform's Radiesse long term dermal filler and also is a physician trainer for Restylane and Perlane and the new neurotoxin Dysport.

He is the medical director of Total Dermatology, a full service laser, cosmetic and medical dermatology clinic located near the Spectrum in Irvine, Ca. The practice maintains an educational website www. TotalDermatology. com. Private patients may request consultations by calling the office at 949-727-3800. Physicians interested in training should directly contact the relevant manufacturer for training availability.

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The eCentia Group, Inc. endorses Bayport, Inc. products

The eCentia Group, Inc. endorses Bayport, Inc. products.

The eCentia Group, Inc. (TeG) of Independence, KS, today publicly endorsed Bayport, Inc. and its line of Health and Wellness products.

(PRWEB) January 11, 2004

The eCentia Group, Inc. (TeG) of Independence, KS endorsed Bayport, Inc. and its entire line of Health and Wellness Products. From the President of TeG, "I have now used most, if not all of the Bayport products for men or that are unisex products and all have exceeded my expectation." "This is the first time that I have ever acquired products that work first time and every time as advertised." "I am pleased to tell the world of the world class products over at Bayport." "I am particularly please with the Alpha Lipoic Acid. I have not felt this good in a long time!" As an afterthought, Mr. Baker told me, "By the way, my mother uses the Skin Pro(tech) and the Facelift. She called me impressed over the results. A facelift without the pain! What could be better?"

"We own I-CAB in Independence, KS and will be handing the Skin Pro(tech) to all of our drivers to ensure that both client and cab drivers are protected while handling customers and in the exchange of money.

Additionally, we will be using the products in other of the various businesses that we own and those that we intend to acquire over the next few years. "Great work, Bayport!"

TeG is not affiliated with Bayport, Inc. in any manner. This was not a paid advertisement nor was it an advertisement of any kind. TeG is an investment and holding company with offices in Dallas, TX and Independence, KS.

Bayport, Inc. is a Health and Wellness company with offices in Independence, KS and Tulsa, OK. Should you decide that you want to use or to become a Bayport Associate, please contact the offices of Bayport, Inc. located at 200 Arco Place, Suite 108, Independence, KS or call (620) 332-1463. Online, see them at http://www. bayportinc. com (http://www. bayportinc. com).


Friday, January 23, 2009

ConsumersÂ’ Research Council Of America Names Dr. Angela Baylis One Of AmericaÂ’s Top Chiropractors

ConsumersÂ’ Research Council Of America Names Dr. Angela Baylis One Of AmericaÂ’s Top Chiropractors

Dr. Angela Baylis, Doctor of Chiropractic and Head of Iatria Health Center, was named as a top American Chiropractor by ConsumersÂ’ Research Council of America, a research organization providing consumersÂ’ information guides for professional services throughout America, in recognition for her experience, training, and board certifications, as well as her involvement in professional associations.

(PRWEB) August 14, 2004

Raleigh, NC – Consumers’ Research Council Of America Names Dr. Angela Baylis One Of America’s Top Chiropractors. Head Of Iatria Health Center Named One Of America’s Top Chiropractors

Dr. Angela Baylis, Doctor of Chiropractic and Head of Iatria Health Center, was named as a top American Chiropractor by ConsumersÂ’ Research Council of America, a research organization providing consumersÂ’ information guides for professional services throughout America, in recognition for her experience, training, and board certifications, as well as her involvement in professional associations. Dr. Baylis is listed in the organizationÂ’s publication, Guide to AmericaÂ’s Top Chiropractors.

“I am honored to be recognized in this prestigious publication and am humbled by the recognition,” said Dr. Baylis.

ConsumersÂ’ Research Council of America is a Washington, DC based research organization providing consumersÂ’ information guides for professional services throughout America in order to educate and assist consumers in obtaining the finest professional services in categories including, Healthcare, Education, Legal, and more.

Dr. Angela Baylis, DC and Iatria Health Center offer a full service chiropractic and applied kinesiology health services under the supervision of qualified doctors who aid in a clientÂ’s total well being. Using a holistic approach, which addresses the whole person, not just the systems, Iatria Health Center provides comprehensive, personalized health care, along with superior service, in a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. For more information, call 919 861-8944 or on the Internet www. iatriahealthcenter. com. Iatria Health Center is associated with Iatria Day Spas, which specializes in such services as massage, facials, manicures, pedicures, body treatments, waxing, tinting, laser hair removal, facial plastic surgery, Intense Pulse Light Skin Rejuvenation, and spa day packages.

Contact: Patty Briguglio (919) 461-3831

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mercy Ships Shares the Right to Sight on a Global Scale

Mercy Ships Shares the Right to Sight on a Global Scale

Mercy Ships, a global charity, is celebrating 2010 World Sight Day by honoring their remarkable Eye Care team headed by Chief Ophthalmologist Dr. Glenn Strauss. Across the world, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness, and 80% of blindness is treatable, curable or preventable. Mercy Ships gives sight to people like Komlavi, an artist in Togo West Africa.

Garden Valley, TX (Vocus) October 10, 2010

World Sight Day on October 14 celebrates a blessing that we often taken for granted – the gift of sight. This year the focus is specifically on eye health and equal access to care. Mercy Ships uses its state-of-the-art hospital ship, the Africa Mercy, to deliver world-class health care to some of the poorest countries in the world. Their services include Mercy Vision, an eye care program that includes land-based eye clinics as well as eye surgeries done onboard the ship.

Statistics from the World Health Organization show that most of the world’s blindness is preventable. But in many poor countries, eye care is simply not available or not accessible. For example, the West African country of Togo has a population of 6.4 million people … and only 2 hospitals. The fact that the majority of the population lives on less than $2 per day further complicates access to health care.

Komlavi, a local artist in Togo, West Africa, simply described his dilemma, saying, “I am a sculptor and a carpenter – a wood artist. I was having this eye problem for a long time, but I was unable to go to the hospital.” He needed a miracle. And, one day, that miracle literally walked into his shop.

Catherine and Marty Schwebel, volunteer Chaplains onboard the Africa Mercy, met Komlavi while they were browsing through the market. They liked him and his wooden sculptures so much that they referred all of their Mercy Ships friends to him for purchases!

A few days later, some other Mercy Ships volunteers visited Komlavi’s shop. He mentioned that he couldn't see well out of his right eye. Alana Abernathy, a member of the eye team, recalls, “I took him over into the shade where I could see into his pupil better. Sure enough, I saw one of those dense, white cataracts.” Alana knew this was a problem that Mercy Ships could definitely solve. She wrote down the location of the eye care screening and told Komlavi to come to the screening very soon.

A few days later, Marty and Catherine saw Komlavi walking up to the ship. He showed them the note that Alana had written. The Schwebels jumped into a Mercy Ships vehicle and drove Komlavi to the eye screening site. By the end of the day, he was cleared for the surgery that would restore his sight.

Komlavi’s story is encouraging, but there are many more people who desperately need eye care. According to Vision 2020, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness, and 80% of blindness is treatable, curable or preventable (Vision 2020). Simple and effective strategies could address this inequity, claims Dr. Glenn Strauss. He gave up his eye practice in the US to serve fulltime with Mercy Ships as Chief of Ophthalmology and as the Vice President of Health Care Initiatives.

Since 2004, Dr. Strauss has fine-tuned a procedure for cataract removal called MSICS (Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery). The technique, which has been developed in Nepal, India, and onboard the Africa Mercy, requires no sutures. It is also cost-effective and efficient, allowing for a high-volume turnover of patients. Dr. Strauss can serve approximately 40 patients per day by using this procedure.

During a recent Mercy Ships Field Service in West Africa, over 700 patients a day lined up outside the Eye Center. To address this need, Mercy Ships also trains local doctors in the MSICS technique. For the last three years, Alcon, a faithful corporate supporter of Mercy Ships, has sponsored a fellowship program. One recipient is Dr. Abram Wodome, a native of West Africa. He and Dr. Strauss trained five additional surgeons at two hospitals in Benin. As a result, the amount of surgeries went from 320 (all 5 combined) surgeries per year to 2,000 (all five combined) surgeries per year. That’s an increase of 525%!

Please view Dr. Wodome and Dr. Strauss at the Celebration of Sight – a time of praise and thanksgiving by those who have had sight restored.

Gifts from faithful donors have rescued many patients like Komlavi from a world of darkness, and they have provided training for physicians like Dr. Wodome to offer hope and healing to his countrymen. Even small donations have long-lasting, and often life-transforming, effects in countries like Togo.
ABOUT MERCY SHIPS: Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to deliver free, world-class health care services to those without access in the developing world. Founded in 1978 by Don and Deyon Stephens, Mercy Ships has worked in more than 70 countries providing services valued at more than $808 million, impacting more than 2.5 million direct beneficiaries. Each year Mercy Ships has over 1,200 volunteers from over 40 nations. Professionals including surgeons, dentists, nurses, health care trainers, teachers, cooks, seamen, engineers, and agriculturalists donate their time and skills to the effort. Mercy Ships seeks to become the face of love in action, bringing hope and healing to the poor. For more information click on http://www. mercyships. org

World Sight Day is an annual day of awareness to focus global attention on blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of the visually impaired. Globally, visual impairment is most prevalent in men and women 50 years of age and older. While the majority of eye conditions, such as cataract, for this age group can be easily treated, in some parts of the world there is still the need to ensure that women and men receive eye care services on an equal basis. It is the main advocacy event for the prevention of blindness and for "Vision 2020: The Right to Sight," a global effort to prevent blindness, created by WHO and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness.

Contact Information
US Public Relations
Kathy. gohmert(at)mercyships(dot)org

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