Friday, February 6, 2009

New Home Study Program Teaches Wellness without Dieting

New Home Study Program Teaches Wellness without Dieting

A groundbreaking, home study program has just been launched by living skills expert Deb Bixler that can assist anyone in attaining the best of health without dieting.

York, PA (PRWEB) July 31, 2007

A groundbreaking, home study program has just been launched by living skills expert Deb Bixler that can assist anyone in attaining the best of health without dieting.

As the market is filled with more and more lose weight fast, magic pill, exercise equipment, and other obesity cures, Deb's program, "Wow You Are Really Lucky" gets back to basics. Instead of trying to find a "shortcut" to optimal health, she focuses on the most important part of good health making good choices on a daily basis. Deb teaches, coaches, and educates everyday people how to use skills, instead of will power.

"You don't have to radically change your diet," says Deb, "You can still enjoy all of the foods you love." The WOW program, teaches you everyday skills that keep your family on the right side of heath. Healthy eating choices start at the grocery store, and so does Deb's living program. WOW gives you the skills to make better choices from the beginning.

Although everyone can benefit from this program, it is especially important for children. With childhood obesity on the rise, this program couldn't have come at a better time. "Most of us don't know how to make smart food choices because nobody taught us," says Deb, "With WOW, you can teach your kids the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle that will last their whole lives and give them the gift of a long healthy life."

"Wow You Are Really Lucky" is available now online at http://www. WowYouAreReallyLucky. com (http://www. WowYouAreReallyLucky. com). While there, you'll also find additional, information rich articles that compliment the program to constantly increase your wellness IQ and keep your metabolism burning like a crackling fire.
