Alternative and Conventional Medicine is Better Understood with Natural MedicinesÂ’ Comprehensive Drug/Natural Drug Interactions Database
Alternative and Conventional Medicine (Wellnut. com) announces its partnership with Natural MedicinesÂ’ Comprehensive Database and its free interactions lookup service on a thousand plus of monographs.
(PRWEB) May 11, 2004
This FREE service to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database "SCIENTIFIC GOLD STANDARD FOR EVIDENCE-BASED, CLINICAL INFORMATION ON NATURAL MEDICINES", provides consumers and health care providers with the most comprehensive, scientifically researched alternative based information on the web.
This otherwise fee based service is exclusively offered free to WellNut. comÂ’s surfers. Visitors will have free immediate access to Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Consumers will find answers to thousands of natural and conventional medicine questions; on herbs, dietary supplements, sports supplements, minerals, vitamins, brand name products, to include interactions. This database also offers the ability to interact directly with hundreds of other health professionals, and to print Patient Education Handouts.
Jeff M. Jellin, Pharm. D., the Senior Editor and his staff are the creators of this unique database and has been researching and publishing objective drug information about prescription and non-prescription drugs for many years and they maintain a practice of answering drug therapy-related questions for pharmacists and physicians throughout the United State and Canada. They continually add valuable new information such as safety concerns, new interactions and updated information on hundreds of monographs not to mention thousands of new references are added each year. This invaluable resources has over 1000 plus monographs with subject matter including; Also Known As, Scientific Names, People Use This For, Safety, Effectiveness, Mechanism of Action and Active Ingredients, Adverse Reactions, Interactions, Dosage and Administration, Comments, References, Research Abstracts, Brand Names Listing, "Tell The Editors" form. They also have numerous of updates great searchability, patient education, colleagues interaction; to include you may obtain the book version of this comprehensive database.
WellNut. com also offers its visitor’s late—breaking alternative based news, information and tips, interactive tools, and numerous feature articles on women, men and children’s health and wellness issues among many other topics.
WellNut. com is a privately owned company founded by a health care enthusiast whom is dedicated to bringing public awareness on health and wellness issues through alternative and conventional medicine education.