Sri Maharishi Somanatha(from India, with divine healing powers)to teach people how to heal themselves and others in Dallas on June 9, 2001
Sri Maharishi Somanatha's intense meditation in seclusion for over 30 years has taken him beyond the superconscious level. He has attained divine powers that allow him to heal people, and communicate subconsciously. Sri Maharishi will be having public programs on June 6,7,8 and a full day healing workshop on June 9 in Dallas, to teach his unique technique to all interested in healing themselves and others. The public lectures are free and open to all. Details on his Dallas program and USA tour are available at the website: www. manoyoga. org
(PRWEB) June 5, 2001
Sri Maha Rishi Somanatha is an advanced self realized master Yogi from India. He has been meditating in seclusion for over 30 years. His intense meditation has taken him beyond the Turiya State (superconscious state), giving him divine powers to heal, subconsciously communicate, read individuals thoughts and look into individuals karmic causes for their problems.
Sri Maha Rishi has recultivated this unique meditation technique known as ManoYoga Meditation, to provide similar results for seekers in todayÂ’s working world and non-aesthetic lifestyle. He has made his lifeÂ’s mission to teach this unique direct approach technique to all serious seekers wanting to attain the benefits of healing themselves, others and reaching levels beyond the superconscious.
Spiritual aspirants, Reiki practitioners, meditators, and natural healers are able to learn how to open their internal channels to fully access and connect with abundant universal and divine energy. "Most natural healers and Reiki practitioners are only experiencing "sparks" of the universal divine energy", says Sri Maha Rishi.
Mano Yoga meditation combines the techniques of breathing exercises and meditation. It can help every individual to obtain good health, constant happiness, longevity and peace of mind. Sri Maha Rishi provides a scientific explanation of how this technique works to heal the body and cure various chronic diseases. Thousands of people all over the world are already reaping the benefits of this technique.
Persistent practice of this technique speeds up the spiritual progress and makes the aspirant attain the higher levels being sought to uplift their soul.
Details of Sri Maha Rishi's USA tour, the Dallas Texas public talks (June 6,7,8) and the one day healing meditation workshop program(June 9)can be viewed at the website(www. manoyoga. org).