Monday, October 5, 2009

Pedata RV Center Releases Top 3 List of Tips for Staying Healthy During Holiday Travel

Pedata RV Center Releases Top 3 List of Tips for Staying Healthy During Holiday Travel

Pedata RV Center releases Top 3 list of tips for staying healthy during holiday travel.

Phoenix, AZ (Vocus) December 13, 2010

Pedata RV Center releases Top 3 list of tips for staying healthy during holiday travel.

Top 3 List of Tips for Staying Healthy During Holiday Travel:

1. Don't binge and fast. Many holiday travelers find themselves falling into a strange eating pattern: they binge and then they fast until the next binge. This is a very unhealthy cycle and the logic that leads many RV travelers down this road is not sound. Stay healthy by sticking to a regular eating pattern; moderation is still the name of the game.

2. Get out and stay active. Many holiday travelers feel that they aren't just taking a holiday from work, but they are taking a holiday from exercise. They don't have to go to the gym! To stay healthy during holiday RV traveling stay active. You don't have to frequent a gym. You can get out and get active in a very "holiday" fashion. Are you going shopping? Well...walk fast and walk far. Are you looking to look at Christmas lights? Skip the drive and get out of the vehicle for a walking tour of lights. Want to spend time with family? Great! Take everyone outside for a snowball fight.

3. Sleep! You're on holiday, but that doesn't mean that the body suddenly doesn't need any sleep. Denying the body sleep can result in decreased functioning of the immune system. You'll be more susceptible to cold and flu viruses if there's a lack of sleep.

Gerard Pedata of Pedata RV Center said, "RVs are an advantage for those who want to stay healthy during holiday travel. They offer the ability to control more elements of your vacation from mobility to dietary choices."

Pedata RV Center sells used RVs, travel trailers, fifth wheels, campers, and motor homes. Their full inventory is accessible online and due to their low overhead costs they are able to offer competitive pricing in their industry. Easy access to industry and recreational vehicle information allows consumers to have access to the specific knowledge they need to ensure their purchase results in long term satisfaction.

For more information on Pedata RV Center, or current trends in the RV industry visit Pedata RV Center online at http://www. pedatarvcenter. com or contact Gerard Pedata:

Contact: Gerard Pedata
Company: Pedata RV Center
Http://www. PedataRVCenter. com
Phone: 1-888-545-8314 or 520-807-0900

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