Forty-Plus Women Lose The Weight & Never Find It Again!
New online health & fitness site exclusively for the 40-plus age group.
(PRWEB) February 11, 2003
Sharon Stewart, President
FeelinÂ’ Fit Online Health & Fitness Center
(757) 407-2283
(757) 855-7381 (phone/fax)
E-mail: feelinfit@msn. com
Http://www. feelinfit. com (http://www. feelinfit. com)
Women Forty-Plus, Lose The Weight & Never Find It Again!
Norfolk, VA., February 10, 2003 – Feelin’ Fit Online Health & Fitness Center unveils a new, weight management site exclusively for the aging women baby-boomers! Women in the forty-plus age group all across America and beyond, can now join together to find realistic answers to weight loss issues, safe and effective exercise techniques, anti-aging products to help slow down the aging process, health & fitness advice, and sincere support while making friends with other women of the same age group, with the same health goals!
There are a lot of baby-boomers out there today that have hit their 40’s and 50’s. “I know because I’m one of them,” says Sharon Stewart, founder of Feelin’ Fit. The baby-boom generation is now seeking a better quality of life. They are putting more focus on health and overall fitness. Boomers want to be fit so they can play with their grandchildren, be energetic, enjoy their families, and participate in all that life has to offer! As we age our body definitely has a mind of its own! Dietary needs change, physical activity is more in demand, nutritional supplements play an important role in our health, and our emotional well-being needs a lot more attention.
FeelinÂ’ Fit introduces The Pyramid Weight Management System, a complete and realistic weight control program. This program offers a safe and unique way to lose weight, along with getting healthy & fit! Designed to take you through twelve weeks of guidance, motivation, and encouragement, the program is set up in a daily journal format that allows you to take the weight loss process one day at a time! This unique format also allows you to feel as though you have a motivator and fitness coach cheering you on every step of the way as you begin to see a new and healthier you emerge! The four parts to a successful weight management program are: nutrition, exercise, lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements (what we call the pyramid puzzle.) The nutrition phase is an exchange-type diet plan based on the USDAÂ’s Food Guide Pyramid that offers day-to-day variety, using unique and fun tools to help track daily eating habits. The exercise phase offers online fitness training for those that need guidance and support, while learning the proper form and technique of strength training. Online exercising saves time and money by delivering effective and affordable fitness programs right to your computer! The lifestyle change phase gives you guidance on how to take time out to relax, form new habits and enjoy life. The online support, encouragement and motivation offered gives women a place to go for realistic answers to their health concerns, constructive feedback, and sincere and heartfelt support.
FeelinÂ’ Fit Health & Fitness Center offers participants a more pleasant experience on their quest for better health and fitness because they are among others of the same age group with similar goals and concerns. Baby-boomers need to know they can lose the weight and NEVER find it again!
Ready To Take The Challenge?