Breakthrough Leadership with Emotional Intelligence for Vital & Successful Businesses, Schools, and Communities: WorldÂ’s Premier EQ Conference in Europe for First Time
The premier world conference on emotional intelligence, NexusEQ offers top speakers in a highly effective forum. Leaders in business, education, and community access best practices and the latest research to create vitality and sustainable success. Next conference is June 12-14, 2005, in Holland.
(PRWEB) March 31, 2005
Since the 1995 publication of Daniel Goleman’s international bestseller Emotional Intelligence, Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, a global movement has developed to bring “EQ” into practice in businesses, schools, and communities around the globe.
Goleman and other leaders in the field will share best practices and current research at the 5th annual NexusEQ Conference, June 12-14 in Holland (http://www. nexuseq. com (http://www. nexuseq. com)). Titled “Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Tools and Wisdom for a Sustainable World” and featuring speakers from 19 countries, this is the most comprehensive EQ world summit ever.
“This is a worldwide movement, but people are isolated,” Goleman explains. “To everyone who is laboring in solitary circumstances -- in a school, in a business, in a hospital, a university, where ever you may be: You are part of a community -- a virtual community of like minded people pursuing this important work. This chance to come together and meet others in your ‘family’ is enormously important.”
From American Express to Avon, businesses have begun to embrace the concept. Jack Welch has begun discussing EQ (Wall Street Journal, 1/23/04), and the Harvard Business Review calls it “the key to professional success” (April 2003). Schools, hospitals, and government agencies world-wide are adopting EQ practices. From elementary school students to army officers, a curriculum of emotional awareness is providing a new perspective on people.
What makes emotional intelligence so appealing? Partly because it answers a widespread longing to understand the complexities of human interaction. Partly because it allows practitioners to bring compassion, empathy, and wisdom to schools and organizations. And partly because emotional intelligence delivers impressive bottom-line results (see business case examples on http://www. EQperformance. com (http://www. EQperformance. com) and http://www. NexusEQ. com (http://www. NexusEQ. com)).
According to Goleman, one key benefit is that “emotional intelligence can help people make better decisions.” This increased effectiveness is invaluable for business, essential for education, and transformational for personal life.
The conference highlights the growing international interest in this work. Part laboratory science, part popular psychology, the “EQ Movement” continues to gain ground. Business, education, healthcare and the public will come together to see the progress at NexusEQ in Holland, June 12-14, 2005. Information and registration is online http://www. NexusEQ. com (http://www. NexusEQ. com).
More Information:
Full interview with Dr. Goleman: http://www. NexusEQ. com/articles/ (http://www. NexusEQ. com/articles/)
Online Press Kit: http://www. nexuseq. com/press (http://www. nexuseq. com/press)
Conference Web Site: http://www. NexusEQ. com (http://www. NexusEQ. com)