Black Church Initiative Encourages Faith-Based Sexual Education Religious Summit on Sexuality is "Breaking the Silence: In Times Like These"
Over 600 religious leaders and laity from diverse interfaith congregations across the country will gather to dialogue on significant reproductive health issues during the National Black Religious Summit VII on Sexuality.
(PRWEB) June 30, 2003
Washington, DC - In these times when HIV/AIDS, teen pregnancy, and domestic violence, are reaching epidemic proportions in the African American community, over 600 religious leaders and laity from diverse interfaith congregations across the country will gather to dialogue on significant reproductive health issues during the National Black Religious Summit VII on Sexuality. The Summit will be July 9 -11 at Howard University School of Divinity, 1400 Shepherd Street, NE, in Washington, DC.
Hosted by the Black Church Initiative of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC), “Breaking the Silence: In Times Like These,” will offer workshops designed to empower congregations, teens, parents, guardians and clergy with additional skills needed to address sex and sexuality and assist teens in making healthy life choices. All will take a critical look at sexuality in the Bible, explore issues regarding relationships and roles for men and women, sexual addiction, sexual orientation, depression, and effective family planning methods as people of faith.
“Faith based sexuality education is crucial to the health of our communities,” says Reverend Carlton W. Veazey, President and CEO of the RCRC. “Our diverse group of experts will speak to the critical health issues that impact the lives of young men and women and help them to make sound choices when faced with life-threatening, life-altering sexual decisions,” adds Veazey.
A roster of distinguished speakers are on the agenda, such as Reverend Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago, IL); Reverend Dr. Susan Newman, Amistad St. Paul United Church of Christ (Lanham, MD); Dr. John Kinney, Samuel D. Proctor School of Divinity (Richmond, VA); Reverend Mary Moore, New Salem 4th Street Missionary Baptist Church (Memphis, TN); Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, author of "God and Gangsta Rap;" Reverend Dr. Alvin O. Jackson, National City Christian Church (Washington, DC), and, Dr. D. Kim Singleton, author of
"Broken Silence."
The three-day summit offers something for people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds, including a session, “Keeping It Real!,” conducted in Spanish. Other workshop topics include, “Grandparents Raising Teens,” “Reconciling What The Bible Says About Sex,” “Risky Sexual Behavior: Substance Abuse, STIs, STDs and Teen Pregnancy,” and “Sexual and Domestic Violence.”
“The Summit is an interfaith experience designed for self-reflection, self-discovery, and dialogue,” says Leslie Watson, director of MultiCultural Programs Department and the Black Church Initiative of RCRC. "Our goal is that each participant will leave with a greater ability to speak more comfortably on issues related to sex and sexuality, and also, recognize the dire need for the African American faith community to Break the Silence In Times Like These.”
The Summit is open to the public and costs $50 for adults and $25 for youth under 18. Space is limited; the registration deadline is June 30. For a complete list of speakers and panel topics or to register, visit www. rcrc. org/bci (http://www. rcrc. org/bci), or call (202) 628-7700.
The Black Church Initiative, a program of RCRC, since 1997 has led the nation in advancing reproductive health and faith-based sexuality education in African American churches around the country. Celebrating 30 years, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is a national interfaith organization that brings the moral power of religious communities to ensure reproductive choice through education and advocacy. The Coalition seeks to give clear voice to the reproductive issues of people of color, those living in poverty and other underserved populations.
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NOTE TO MEDIA: A list of speakers, photos, and a detailed schedule are available at: www. dogonvillage. com/bci (http://www. dogonvillage. com/bci). To schedule an interview call 818.569.3045. There will be a MEDIA RECEPTION on WED. July 9 from 12:30 - 2 p. m. Please RSVP to Edrea@ 818.569.3045